Auteur: Wanlei Zhou

Dr. Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Information Systems at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, Hyderabad Campus. He has a Ph D in data analytics and machine learning from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He holds a Master Of Science by Research in computer science and artificial intelligence from the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, India. His research interests are in Computational Algorithms, Adversarial Learning, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Game Theory, and Robust Optimization. He has taught subjects on advanced analytics and problem solving at UTS. He has been teaching academic courses on computer science at BITS, Pilani. He has industry experience in engineering, R&D, consulting at research labs and startup companies. Hehas developed enterprise solutions across the value chains in the open source, Cloud, & Big Data markets.Dr. Xinghao Yang is currently an Associate Professor at the China University of Petroleum. He has a Ph.D. degree in advanced analytics from the University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia. His research interests include multiview learning and adversarial machine learning with publications on information fusion and information sciences. Dr. Wei Liu is the Director of Future Intelligence Research Lab, and an Associate Professor in Machine Learning, in the School of Computer Science, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He is a core member of the UTS Data Science Institute. Wei obtained his Ph D degree in Machine Learning research at the University of Sydney (USyd). His current research focuses are adversarial machine learning, game theory, causal inference, multimodal learning, and natural language processing. Wei »s research papers are constantly published in CORE A*/A and Q1 (i.e., top-prestigious) journals and conferences. He has received 3 Best Paper Awards. Besides, one of his first-authored papers received the Most Influential Paper Award in the CORE A Ranking conference PAKDD 2021. He was a nominee for the Australian NSW Premier »s Prizes for Early Career Researcher Award in 2017. He has obtained more than $2 million government competitive and industry research funding in the past six years. Dr. Bo Liu is currently a Senior Lecturer with the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. His research interests include cybersecurity and privacy, location privacy and image privacy, privacy protection and machine learning, wireless communications and networks. He is an IEEE Senior Member and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. Dr. Wanlei Zhou received the Ph.D. degree from Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, in 1991, all in computer science and engineering, and the D.Sc. degree from Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, in 2002. He is currently a Professor and the Head of School of Computer Science at the University of Technology Sydney. He served as a Lecturer with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, a System Programmer with Hewlett Packard, Boston, MA, USA, and a Lecturer with Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, and the National University of Singapore, Singapore. He has published over 300 papers in refereed international journals and refereed international conferences proceedings. His research interests include distributed systems, network security, bioinformatics, and e-Learning. Dr. Wanlei was the General Chair/Program Committee Chair/Co-Chair of a number of international conferences, including ICA3PP, ICWL, PRDC, NSS, ICPAD, ICEUC, and HPCC.

16 Ebooks par Wanlei Zhou

Jiaojiao Jiang & Sheng Wen: Malicious Attack Propagation and Source Identification
This book covers and makes four major contributions: 1) analyzing and surveying the pros and cons of current approaches for identifying rumor sources on complex networks; 2) proposing a novel approac …
Longxiang Gao & Shui Yu: Delay Tolerant Networks
This brief presents emerging and promising communication methods for network reliability via delay tolerant networks (DTNs). Different from traditional networks, DTNs possess unique features, such as …
Tianqing Zhu & Gang Li: Differential Privacy and Applications
This book focuses on differential privacy and its application with an emphasis on technical and application aspects. This book also presents the most recent research on differential privacy with a th …
Yang Xiang & Alfredo Cuzzocrea: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Part I
This two volume set LNCS 7016 and LNCS 7017 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2011, held in Mel …
Yang Xiang & Alfredo Cuzzocrea: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Part II
This two volume set LNCS 7016 and LNCS 7017 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2011, held in Mel …
Bo Liu & Wanlei Zhou: Location Privacy in Mobile Applications
This book provides a comprehensive study of the state of the art in location privacy for mobile applications. It presents an integrated five-part framework for location privacy research, which includ …
Hua Guo & Zhiyang Li: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This two volume set LNCS 8630 and 8631 constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2014, held in Dalian, China, in …
Hua Guo & Zhiyang Li: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This two volume set LNCS 8630 and 8631 constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2014, held in Dalian, China, in …
Andrzej Goscinski & Michael Hobbs: Distributed and Parallel Computing
There are many applications that require parallel and distributed processing to allow complicated engineering, business and research problems to be solved in a reasonable time. Parallel and distribut …
Brian Corbitt & Joseph Fong: Advances in Web-Based Learning — ICWL 2003
nd The 2 International Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL 2003) took place in Melbourne, Australia. ICWL 2003 followed the tradition of the successful ICWL 2002 held in Hong Kong and aimed at pro …
C.-C. Jay Kuo & Javier Lopez: Cyberspace Safety and Security
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2012), held in Melbourne, Australia, in December 2012. The 30 revised full pap …
Yi Mu & Wanlei Zhou: Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2021
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advances in Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2021, which was held in Macau, China, in November 2021. The papers included in this …
Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula & Xinghao Yang: Adversarial Machine Learning
A critical challenge in deep learning is the vulnerability of deep learning networks to security attacks from intelligent cyber adversaries. Even innocuous perturbations to the training data can be u …
Weijia Jia & Wanlei Zhou: Distributed Network Systems
Both authors have taught the course of "Distributed Systems" for many years in the respective schools. During the teaching, we feel strongly that "Distributed systems" have evolve …
Zhaoquan Gu & Yan Jia: Network Simulation and Evaluation
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Network Simulation and Evaluation, NSE 2023, held in Shenzhen, China in November 2023.The 52 full papers prese …
Zhaoquan Gu & Yan Jia: Network Simulation and Evaluation
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Network Simulation and Evaluation, NSE 2023, held in Shenzhen, China in November 2023.The 52 full papers prese …