Wayne Grudem (PhD, University of Cambridge; DD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is Distinguished Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary, having previously taught for twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is a former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, a member of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible, the general editor of the ESV Study Bible, and has published over twenty-five books.
35 Ebooks par Wayne Grudem
Wayne Grudem: Evangelical Feminism?
By critically examining the writings of egalitarians, Grudem shows that, while egalitarian leaders claim to be subject to Scripture in their thinking, what is increasingly evident in their actual sch …
C. John Collins & Wayne Grudem: Translating Truth (Foreword by J.I. Packer)
Which translation do I choose? In an age when there is a wide choice of English Bible translations, the issues involved in Bible translating are steadily gaining interest. Consumers often wonder what …
Wayne Grudem & C. John Collins: Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible
How do I get more out of my Bible reading?What was going on during the gap between the Old and New Testaments?How do all the books of the Bible fit together as a whole?This book answers these questio …
Wayne Grudem: Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth
What does the Bible really teach about the roles of men and women? Bible scholar Wayne Grudem carefully draws on 27 years of biblical research as he responds to 118 arguments often levied against tra …
Barry Asmus & Wayne Grudem: The Poverty of Nations
The whole world has a stake in the war against poverty and leaders across the globe are looking for a permanent solution. That’s why economist Barry Asmus and theologian Wayne Grudem have teamed up t …
Wayne Grudem: ‘Free Grace’ Theology
Must the gospel message include a call for people to repent of their sins? ‘No, ‘ say Free Grace advocates. Is evidence of a changed life an important indication of whether a person is truly born aga …
John Piper & Wayne Grudem: 50 Crucial Questions
The roles of men and women are immensely contested in both society and the church today. Christians are looking for answers from the Bible regarding how God intends for men and women to relate to one …
J. P. Moreland & Stephen C. Meyer: Theistic Evolution
Many prominent Christians insist that the church must yield to contemporary evolutionary theory and therefore modify traditional biblical ideas about the creation of life. They argue that God used—al …
John M. Frame & Wayne Grudem: Redeeming the Life of the Mind
Vern Poythress, one of today's leading Reformed theologians, has made many vital contributions to evangelical scholarship— particularly a vision to glorify Christ as Lord over all areas of human …
Wayne Grudem: The Gift of Prophecy in 1 Corinthians
Dr. Grudem discusses the relevance, purpose and function of prophecy in the church today. He provides fresh understanding that preserves the distinctive authority of Scripture, while giving the churc …
Wayne Grudem: ¿Son vigentes los dones milagrosos?
¿Son vigentes el don de lenguas, el de profecía y el de sanidad? Los cesacionistas creen que no. Los pentecostales, carismáticos y ‘Tercera Ola’ opinan que sí. Y algunos, de perspectiva abierta pero …
Wayne Grudem: Política segundo a Bíblia
As igrejas devem exercer alguma influência na política? Pastores devem pregar sobre temas políticos? Existe somente um posicionamento ‘cristão’ em relação a questões políticas? A Bíblia traz algum en …
Wayne Grudem & C. John Collins: Origem, confiabilidade e significado da Bíblia
A Bíblia é formada por 66 livros, escritos em três línguas num período de mais de 1 500 anos e por dezenas de autores, com vários gêneros literários e para públicos diversos. A Escritura é clara o ba …
Wayne Grudem: Teologia da ‘livre graça’
A mensagem do evangelho deve incluir uma exortação para que as pessoas se arrependam de seus pecados? Alguém que diz ter verdadeiramente nascido de novo deve apresentar evidências de uma vida de fato …
Wayne Grudem: Teologia Sistemática (GRUDEM)
Nesta nova edição, todos os 57 capítulos foram totalmente revisados e ampliados, sem perder as características que fizeram da obra o livro-texto em sua área: explicações claras, ênfase na base escrit …
Wayne Grudem & Barry Asmus: A pobreza das nações
PODEMOS VENCER A BATALHA CONTRA A POBREZA GLOBAL. Só precisamos encontrar uma forma melhor de combatê-la. O economista Barry Asmus e o teólogo Wayne Grudem trabalharam juntos para traçar um caminho c …
Wayne Grudem & J. P. Moreland: Evolução teísta
Muitos cristãos proeminentes afirmam que a igreja cristã precisa se render à teoria evolutiva contemporânea e, portanto, modificar ideias bíblicas tradicionais a respeito da criação da vida. Defendem …
Wayne Grudem: O Feminismo Evangélico
Este livro expressa profunda inquietude sobre a grande negação da autoridade das Escrituras nos argumentos que são com frequência utilizados para sustentar o feminismo evangélico. Não pode estar corr …
Wayne Grudem & John Piper: Feminin VS masculin
Les roles des hommes et des femmes sont immensement contestes dans la societe et dans l’eglise aujourd’hui. Les chretiens cherchent des reponses dans la Bible sur la maniere dont Dieu veut que les ho …
John Piper & Justin Taylor: Beyond the Bounds
‘Everyone who believes in God at all believes that He knows what you and I are going to do tomorrow.’ –C. S. Lewis This understanding of God's foreknowledge has united the church for twenty cent …
Leland Ryken & Todd Wilson: Preach the Word
For more than forty years, pastor R. Kent Hughes has shared the gospel with thousands of people and raised the standard of expository preaching in North America and beyond. To celebrate his legacy an …
Wayne Grudem & C. John Collins: Understanding Scripture
Originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible, these eighteen essays have been repurposed and republished in a convenient format. Covering a diverse range of essential subjects, including ho …
Wayne Grudem: What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage
New from Bestselling Author Wayne Grudem The topic of divorce is a complicated one, even among Christians. The Bible provides some clear answers, but gray areas remain. In this short booklet, theolog …
Wayne Grudem: What the Bible Says about Abortion, Euthanasia, and End-of-Life Medical Decisions
Abortion and euthanasia are hot-button issues in our world today, accompanied by many differing views, deeply held convictions, and personal experiences related to privacy, sexual behavior, personal …
Wayne Grudem: What the Bible Says about How to Know God’s Will
At some point, every Christian wonders, What is God’s will for me in this situation? There are many situations for which Scripture doesn't provide a black-and-white answer. In this book, adapted …
John Piper & Wayne Grudem: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Revised Edition)
A Guide to Navigate Evangelical Feminism In a society where gender roles are a hot-button topic, the church is not immune to the controversy. In fact, the church has wrestled with varying degrees of …
J. P. Moreland & Stephen C. Meyer: Theistic Evolution
Winner of the ECPA Book of the Year Award for Bible Reference Works Many prominent Christians insist that the church must yield to contemporary evolutionary theory and therefore modify traditional bi …
Wayne Grudem: What the Bible Says about Birth Control, Infertility, Reproductive Technology, and Adoption
New from Bestselling Author Wayne Grudem Advances in technology offer couples wanting to have children more options than ever before—fertility treatment methods; prefertilization genetic screening; a …
Wayne Grudem: A Biblical Case against Theistic Evolution
Leading Bible Scholars Explore Why the Theory of Theistic Evolution Conflicts with Christian Doctrine Even Christians strongly debate Scripture’s account of creation, with some declaring that major e …
Wayne Grudem: 1 Peter (revised edition)
In this fully revised commentary, Wayne Grudem builds on his original work to take into account almost four further decades of study and prayer. Peter’s short letter to ‘the exiles of the Dispersion’ …
Wayne Grudem: Christian Ethics (Revised Edition)
What Does the Bible Teach about How to Live in Today’s World? How should Christians live when the surrounding culture is increasingly hostile to Christian moral values? Granted, the Bible is our guid …
Wayne Grudem: Business zur Ehre Gottes
Kann Business an sich moralisch gut und gottgefällig sein? Manchmal erscheint Business so zwielichtig – Endergebnisse werden manipuliert, Verbraucher werden getäuscht, oder jemand wird befördert, nur …
Wayne Grudem: Business for the Glory of God
Can business activity in itself be morally good and pleasing to God? Sometimes business can seem so shady—manipulating the ‘bottom line, ‘ deceiving the consumer, or gaining promotions because of who …
Crossway: ESV Study Bible (Ebook)
The ESV Study Bible was created to help people understand the Bible in a deeper way. Combining the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV text, it is the …