This illuminating and incisive textbook traces the development of work psychology and organizational behaviour from the early twentieth century to the present day. Far from being a conventional history of ideas, it is a demonstration of how each emerging school of thought has reflected the search for solutions to particular management problems, within specific social, political and economic contexts. Its primary focus is the relations among knowledge, power and practice.
Hollway deftly documents the key developments in the field, from scientific management and industrial psychology, through the human relations movement, to such current concerns as organizational culture, leadership and human resources management. She examines their production within particular conditions and power structures. She charts the impact of each trend upon the emergence of new management tools, work practices and ways in which employee regulation is attempted. The book concludes with a projection of the likely future development of work psychology and organizational behaviour in the light of current changes in work and employer-employee relations.
Work Psychology and Organizational Behaviour will be essential reading for teachers, students and practitioners in occupational psychology, organizational behaviour, industrial and organizational sociology, personnel and human resources management and public administration.
Table des matières
Scientific Management and the Task Idea
Precursors of Industrial Psychology
Human Factors
Fitting the Worker to the Job
The Use of Psychometric Tests for Selection
Hawthorne and the Emergence of Human Relations
Motivating Employees
Human Relations Training and Job Satisfaction
Organizational Change and Development
Organizational Culture
The Future of Work and Organizational Psychology
A propos de l’auteur
Wendy Hollway is Emeritus Professor in Psychology at the Open University. She is a social and qualitative psychologist with a particular interest in psychoanalytic epistemology and its application to empirical research methodology. With Tony Jefferson, she co-authored Doing Qualitative Research Differently: Free Association, Narrative and the Interview Method, which explored the implications of positin a defended subject for interview research (2nd edition, 2013). In subsequent research, she has developed psychoanalytically informed methods in an empirical project on identity changes involved in becoming mothers, using principles of psychoanalytic (infant) observation in parallel with the Free Association Narrative Interview method. Her recent and current writing documents the implications of British post-Kleinian psychoanalysis for data generation, data analysis, writing and research ethics, based on longitudinal data from interviews, reflective fieldnotes, observation notes and observation seminars with 20 ‘becoming mothers’ in Tower Hamlets. She is a co-founder of the British Psychosocial Studies Network and the European Psycho-societal Research Group. In 2011, she was a visiting Fellow at the Oslo Centre for Advanced Study, in a program entitled ‘Personal Development and Socio-cultural Change, ‘ directed by Profs Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen and Hanne Haavind, from which collaborations continue.