Auteur: Wilfried Elmenreich

TAMER KHATIB is an assistant professor in the Energy Engineering and Environment Department at An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. He received his Ph.D. from National University of Malaysia, Malaysia. Khatib is a senior member of IEEE, a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society, and a member of the International Solar Energy Society. WILFRIED ELMENREICH is a professor of Smart Grids at the Alen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt, Austria. He received his Ph.D. from Vienna University of Technology, Austria. His research projects also affiliate him with the Lakeside Labs research cluster in Klagenfurt. Elmenreich is a senior member of IEEE and counselor of Klagenfurt »s IEEE student branch.

6 Ebooks par Wilfried Elmenreich

Tamer Khatib & Wilfried Elmenreich: Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using MATLAB
Modeling of PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Using MATLAB¯® Provides simplified MATLAB¯® codes for analysis of photovoltaic systems, describes the model of the whole photovoltaic power system, and shows readers …
Tamer Khatib & Wilfried Elmenreich: Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using MATLAB
Modeling of PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Using MATLAB¯® Provides simplified MATLAB¯® codes for analysis of photovoltaic systems, describes the model of the whole photovoltaic power system, and shows readers …
Stefan Rabitsch & Martin Gabriel: Set Phasers to Teach!
For 50 years, Star Trek has been an inspiration to its fans around the world, helping them to dream of a better future. This inspiration has entered our culture and helped to shape much of the techno …
Falko Dressler & Wilfried Elmenreich: Self-Organizing Systems
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th IFIP TC 6 International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, IWSOS 2013, held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, in May …
Wilfried Elmenreich & René Reinhold Schallegger: Savegame
Der Band bietet eine Zusammenschau theoretischer und praktischer Perspektiven, die sich rund um das Thema Videospiel, die Erhaltung von Information und die Beharrung auf traditionellen Designparadigm …
Johanna Janiszewski & Lisa Ihde: Gamedesign für Dummies Junior
Spiele zu entwickeln ist dein Traum? Worauf wartest du? Mit der Programmiersprache Scratch ist es sehr einfach, die Zutaten für ein Spiel zu erstellen. Mit Scratch kannst du zeichnen, animieren, musi …