How may the church claim that Christ is the only Savior in a world in which tolerance
and relativism are prized and societies are increasingly religiously plural? How does
the Spirit empower believers and communities in their daily life and work as they face
formidable cultural and ideological challenges?
Such questions these essays answer. Half originated at ‘Proclaiming Christ in the Face
of Challenges, ‘ the 2018 Scholarsʼ Consultation of Empowered21, a global network of
Spirit-empowered churches and communities. This Consultationʼs location in Johannesburg
accounts for eight essaysʼ focusing on distinctively African concerns; another four center
on Asia and the Global South and three on Europe. Others address Western concerns of
modernism, postmodernism, secularism, and pluralism, while several probe biblical and
historical-theological foundations of Christian faith and its Spirit-empowered proclamation.
Readers will benefit from exploring the universality of the Christian gospel from its fi rst
proclamation and its proven adaptability to the cultural pluralism that is todayʼs global
reality, a flexibility that is faithful to Godʼs revelation and effective in imparting divine life
where proclaimed and believed.
Table des matières
Part I. Establishing the Foundation
Wonsuk Ma and Emmanuel Anim
1. The Name of Jesus in Luke-Acts with Special
Reference to the Gentile Mission
James B. Shelton
2. Only Jesus Is Savior and Lord? How the New
Testament Responds to Religious and Political
Mark E. Roberts
3. A New Antinomianism: Universal Salvation and
All-Inclusive Grace in Contemporary
Charismatic Teaching
Michael Mc Clymond
4. Pentecostalism, Primal Spirituality, and
Allan H. Anderson
5. ‘And These Signs Shall Follow. . .’: Authenticity
and Authentication of the Gospel in the Early
Clayton Coombs
6. The New Pluralism: The Place of the Christian
Church in the 21st Century
Samuel Thorpe and J. Elias Stone
Part II. Proclaiming the Uniqueness of Christ
in the World
7. The Uniqueness of Jesus in African Culture: An
African Pentecostal Perspective
Emmanuel Anim
8. ‘God Has Made Him Both Lord and
Messiah. . .’: An African Perspective on
Christology and the Pentecost Day Message
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu
9. Power Encounter in the Proclamation of God’s
Opoku Onyinah
10. Towards a Contextual and Effective Engagement
of the African Spirit World
Christian Tsekpoe
11. ‘No Other Name’: Presenting Jesus Christ in
Multi-Cultural and Religious Environments
Sylvia Owusu-Ansah and Philip Adjei-Acquah
12. The Spirit-Empowered Church: God’s Answer to
a Postmodern World: A Sermon
Sakkie Olivier
13. Integrating Christianity in the Traditional
Religious Milieu: The South African Experience
Dela Quampah
14. Redundancy in the African Cosmos: Witnessing
Jesus Christ as the Only Savior through the
Power of the Holy Spirit
Lord Elorm-Donkor
15. Witnessing to Jesus Christ as the Only Savior
through the Power of the Holy Spirit: An Asian
Julie C. Ma
16. Christian Marginality and the Holy Spirit: A
Pakistan Encounter
Zia Paul and Rebecca Paul
17. The Challenge of a ‘Displacing’ Secularism: A
Tactical Response by Hindu and Christian
Traditions in India
Brainerd Prince and Jeffrey R. Thomas
18. Fresh Fire, Fresh Wind: Stories of Young African
Pentecostals Engaging Secularism in Europe
Harvey Kwiyani
19. Witnessing to Christ in Eastern Europe: An
Assessment of Context
Marcel V. Măcelaru
20. Refugee Ministry in the Contrasting Settings of
Greece and Germany
John Thompson
21. Witnessing to Christ Among Urban Youths: A
Bogota Experience
Richard Harding and Manuela Castellanos
22. Postmodernism, Pluralism, and Pneumiotics:
Three Major Influences on the Spirit-Empowered
Michael Rakes
The Gift of Christ’s Uniqueness: Postscript
Rebekah Bled
Select Bibliography
Name and Subject Index
Scripture Index