How may the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced Spirit-empowered theology and practice? What are diverse initial responses? Which unique strengths can Spirit-empowered communities offer during times of global crisis?
Academics and reflective practitioners gathered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to discuss these issues at the 2021 Scholars Consultation of Empowered21. This book is the outcome of those conversations, combining the nine original studies with eleven subsequently commissioned chapters.
The book is organized thematically, beginning with two chapters examining a biblical perspective of pandemics and offering an applied Lukan Pneumatology to post-pandemic life. The book then gives three historical studies before moving to themes of pain, suffering, and depression, justice and oppression, theologizing during the pandemic, and institutional responses, respectively. Among other examples, these chapters share specific case studies of the racialized dimension of the pandemic, as well as how Spirit-empowered communities ministered hope.
Through current and historical case studies and theological examination, this book offers unique insight into Spirit-empowered responses to the pandemic.
Table des matières
Opoku Onyinah and Wonsuk Ma
Part I: Foundational
1.The Bible, Pandemics, and COVID-199
Opoku Onyinah
2.The Message of Lukan Pneumatology27
to a Post-Pandemic World
Glenn Balfour
3.The Ethics of St. Cyprian: Exploring Repentance, Forgiveness, 43
and Reconciliation for Contemporary Spirit-Empowered Communities
Cory J. May
4.Pentecostals Among the Plagues: Early Chinese67
Pentecostal Theologies of Sickness, Healing, and Pandemics
Alex Mayfield
5.Pentecostals and Pandemics: A Historical Perspective83
Daniel D. Isgrigg
6.The Holy Spirit, Human Suffering, and Healing:103
An Initial Pentecostal Reflection
Wonsuk Ma
7.A Theological Approach to the Origin of Coronavirus117
Through the Lens of Pain and Disease
Jun Kim
Part II: Contextual
8.Pandemic, Depression, and the Church:139
A New Norm for the New Normal
Robert Mc Bain
9.The ‘Flourishing of Life’ in the Spirit on Earth after the155
Pandemic?: A Trinitarian Approach to the Eschatological Future
Sanna Urvas
10.Redeeming the Darkness: A Reflection on How the173
Pandemic is Bringing Light and Dignity to a Community in a Redlight District of India
Mathew Daniel and Suhasini Daniel
11.The Shape of Christian Justice in a Global Pandemic:191
The Church’s Call to a Merciful Advocacy for Roma Communities and Asylum Seekers in Eastern Europe Melody Wachsmuth
12.The Inequitable Silencing of Many Tongues: A Critical209
and Pastoral Response to the Economic, Political, and Racialized Dimensions of the Pandemic in American Pentecostal-Charismaticism
Amos Yong and Aizaiah G. Yong
13.COVID-19, Science, and Race:231
A Black Pentecostal Engagement
David Douglas Daniels III
14.Pentecostalism and Coronavirus: Reframing the Message 247
of Health and Wealth in a Pandemic Era
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu
15.Pentecostal Hope in the Age of COVID-19265
Peter Althouse and Audrey Mc Cormick
16.Triumphalist Theologies and Pentecostal Responses281
to COVID-19
Hanna Larracas
17.Pentecostal Power and Pandemics: The Impact of the301
COVID-19 Pandemic on the Practice of Baptism in the Holy Spirit in Ghana
S. Ofotsu Ofoe
18.COVID-19, the Church, and the Pneumatological Challenge317
Jean-Daniel Plüss
19.State-Church Partnerships: Opportunities and Challenges337
in Spirit-Filled Responses to the Global Pandemic
Ulrik Josefsson and Niclas Lindgren
20.Holy Spirit Empowered Teaching:359
Stories of Teacher Survival During the Pandemic
Kim E. Boyd and Philida Rosalind Ignacio
‘A Shared Story of Future Hope’: Postscript375
Rebekah Bled and Polly Tjihenuna
Select Bibliography393
Name and Subject Index397