‘This wonderful and insightful book is an excellent resource for providers caring for women experiencing pain. This group of patients is considered a vulnerable population that is often faced with issues of power imbalance and lack of understanding from the healthcare professionals charged with providing them assistance. This unique book is an excellent resource for all primary care providers and pain management providers… Weighted Numerical Score: 99 – 5 Stars!’
Kathleen WoodruffDoody’s Medical Reviews
ìThe care provided to women in pain unfortunately often adds to the suffering rather than relieving it. This clinical resource describes instead the evidence-based approach to womenís pain that offers optimum relief as well as a compassionate responseÖ Congratulations to Yvonne for creation of this resource, which will serve as an excellent tool for clinicians dedicated to pain relief for women. ì
-Betty Ferrell , Ph D, MA, FAAN, FPCN, CHPN
Professor and Research Scientist
City of Hope, Duarte, California
Recent research studies have indicated that there is a difference between the pain experienced by men and that experienced by women. This is the only clinical reference specifically geared to management of all commonly presented pain conditions particular to women. It is written by an NP Pain Management Specialist for nurses in all settings, and provides evidence-based guidelines for treating womenís pain as a unique entity. Concise and portable, the guide delivers key information and helpful pain strategies that will support individualized pain management approaches and help to improve pain management outcomes.
The guide provides quick access to nursing guidelines for treatment of pain due to fibromyalgia, TMJ pain, phantom breast pain, postmastectomy pain syndrome, menstrually related migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, and STD-related and pelvic pain. Pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment options, current information from national guidelines (including using a combination of pain management scales for optimal pain assessment and management), along with regional anesthesia techniques, patient-controlled analgesia, and epidural pain management are also included. In addition, the guide discusses options for managing extreme pain situations, how to screen and treat potential substance abusers, and the physiologic bases of gender-different pain responses. Each chapter features a section called ëNursing Considerationsí which focuses on interventions and techniques to improve outcomes. Of particular note is a section on managing pain in obese women who suffer from pelvic pain syndromes and fibromyalgia, among other types of pain.
Key Features:- Focuses on evidence-based clinical management of all commonly presented pain conditions particular to women
- Discusses pharmacologic and complementary pain management
- Addresses physiologic bases of gender-different pain responses
- Provides cutting edge information regarding pain in obese women and managing extreme pain situations
- Offers new information on opioid polymorphisms that guide understanding of why pain medication is sometimes less effective than expected
Table des matières
Section I. An overview of pain in the older adult
Chapter 1. Physiological factors and pain processing in the older adult
Chapter 2. The psychosocial impact of pain on the older adult patient
Section II. Assessing pain in the older adult
Chapter 3. Pain assessment in the older adult patient
Chapter 4. Pain Assessment in the non-verbal, cognitively impaired older adult patient.
Chapter 5. A review of pain assessment tools for use with the older adult
Section III. Managing Pain in the older adult
Chapter 6. Developing a comprehensive plan
Chapter 7 Choosing the right medication for the pain complaint
Chapter 8. Using adjunct medications for specific pain types
Chapter 9. Managing medication side effects and specific recommendations
for using medications with older patients
Section IV. Other treatment options for pain relief
Chapter 10. Interventional options such as vertebroplasty for compression
fractures, nerve blocks, acupuncture
Chapter 11. Complementary methods for pain relief such as cognitive
behavioral methods, energy techniques, music
Chapter 12. The role of physical therapy for reconditioning
Section IV . Pain Control for end of life care
Chapter 13. Palliative care techniques to promote comfort
Chapter 14. When hospice is the best option
Section V. Pain Conditions Common in Older Adults
Chapter 15. Osteoarthitis and related musculoskeletal conditions
Chapter 16. Neuropathic pain associated with post-herpatic neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy
Chapter 17. Central Post Stoke Syndrome.
Chapter 18. Facial pain associated with temporal arteritis or trigeminal neuralgia
Chapter 19. Rheumatological Conditions
Section VI. Special Considerations in Managing Pain in Older Adults
Chapter 20. Anxiety and depression in older adults
Chapter 21. Alcohol and substance Use and Misuse
‘A propos de l’auteur
Yvonne D’Arcy, MS, CRNP, CNS, is the Pain and Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner at Suburban Hospital- Johns Hopkins Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland.