Table of Content
List of Contributors
Foreword, by Hon. Jorge Viana
1. Neotropical Working Forests: Concepts and Realities, by Daniel J. Zarin
Part I. Industrial Forestry as a Tropical Conservation Strategy
2. Are You a Conservationist or a Logging Advocate?, by Francis E. Putz
3. National Forests in the Brazilian Amazon: Opportunities and Challenges, by Adalberto Veríssimo and Paulo Barreto
4. Sustainability of Selective Logging of Upland Forests in the Brazilian Amazon: Carbon Budgets and Remote Sensing as Tools for Evaluation of Logging Effects, by Michael Keller, Gregory P. Asner, Natalino Silva and Michael Palace
5. Forest Science and the BOLFOR Experience: Lessons Learned about Natural Forest Management in Bolivia, by Francis E. Putz, Michelle A. Pinard, Todd.S. Fredericksen, and Marielos Peña-Claros
6. The Business of Forest Certification, by Joshua C. Dickinson, John M. Forgach, and Thomas E. Wilson
Part II. Working Forests and Community Development in Latin America
7. Communities, Forests, Markets, and Conservation, by Mariane Schmink
8. Making Markets Work for Forest Communities, by Sara J. Scherr, Andy White, and David Kaimowitz
9. Inside the Polygon: Emerging Community Tenure Systems and Forest Resource Extraction, by Thomas Ankersen and Grenville Barnes
10. Aiming for Sustainable Community Forest Management: The Experiences of Two Communities in Mexico and Honduras, by Catherine Tucker
11. Community Forestry for Small-Scale Furniture Production in the Brazilian Amazon, by David Mc Grath, Charles Peters, and Antônio José Mota Bentes
12. Community Forestry as a Strategy for Sustainable Management: Perspectives from Quintana Roo, by David Bray
13. Carbon Sequestration Potential through Forestry Activities in Tropical Mexico, by Bernardus de Jong
14. Axing the Trees, Growing the Forest: Smallholder Timber Production in the Amazon Várzea, by Robin Sears and Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez
Part III. Working Forest Paradoxes
15. Neotropical Working Forests: For What and For Whom?, by Janaki Alavalapati and Daniel J. Zarin
16. On Defying Nature’s End, by Gustavo A.B. da Fonseca, Aaron Bruner, Russell A. Mittermeier, Keith Alger, Clau
17. Selective Logging, Forest Fragmentation and Fire Disturbance: Implications of Interaction, by Mark A. Cochrane, David L. Skole, Eraldo A. T. Matricardi, Christopher Barber, and Walter Chomentowski
18. Limited or Unlimited Wants in the Presence of Limited Means? Inquiries into the Role of Satiation in Affecting Deforestation, by Arild Angelsen and Martin K. Luckert
19. From Staple to Fashion Food: Shifting Cycles and Shifting Opportunities in the development of the Açaí Palm Fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Economy in the Amazon Estuary, by Eduardo S. Brondizio
20. The Homogeocene in Puerto Rico, by Ariel E. Lugo
Part IV. Envisioning a Future for Sustainable Tropical Forest Management
21. Conventional Wisdom about Sustainable Forest Management and a Pro-Poor Forest Agenda, by David Kaimowitz
22. Governing the Amazon Timber Industry, by Daniel Nepstad, Ane Alencar, Ana Cristina Barros, Eirivelthon Lima, Elsa Mendoza