In this important new book, the leading philosopher
François Laruelle examines the role of intellectuals in our
societies today, specifically with regards to criminal justice. He
argues that, rather than concerning themselves with abstract
philosophical notions like justice, truth and violence,
intellectuals should focus on the human victims. Drawing on his
influential theory of ‘non-philosophy’, he shows how we
can submit the theorizing of intellectuals to the scrutiny of the
everyday suffering of the victims of crime.
In the course of a wide-ranging discussion with Philippe Petit,
Laruelle suspends the presumed authority of intellectuals by
challenging the image of the ‘dominant intellectual’
exemplified by philosophers such as Sartre, Foucault, Lyotard and
Debray. In place of domination, he puts forward instead a theory of
‘determination’: the determined intellectual is one
whose character is conditioned by his relationship to the victim,
rather than one who attempts to dominate the victim’s
experience through a process of theorizing. While philosophy
consistently takes the voice away from victims of suffering,
non-philosophy is able to construct a theory of violence and crime
that gives voice to the victim.
This highly original book will be essential reading for all
those interested in contemporary French philosophy and all those
concerned with justice in the modern world.
Table of Content
Translator’s Preface
Interviewer’s Preface
The Name-of-Man or the Identity of the Real
Portrait of the Dominant Intellectual
The Victim and the Understanding of Crime
The Practice of the Determined Intellectual
Criminal History and the Demand for Justice
About the author
François Laruelle is Professor Emeritus of the University of
Paris X (Nanterre) and former director of the International College
of Philosophy.