The enlargement of the European Union and issues related to it are a central aspect of European policy. The challenges faced are diverse and immense. The development of Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a major concern of the Lisbon strategy for making Europe a prosperous place in which to live and work in the 21st century. Since the Lisbon Council met in 2000, the development of VET has been very high on European policy agendas. It has been agreed to step up European co-operation in this area. This process began with the Copenhagen Declaration in2002.Thenewestmemberstatesofthe EU—amongthemthe Balticstates— are now involved in this Copenhagen process and are a source of enormous (human) potential that can greatly enrich Europe. Theconceptofthe EUVETpolicyisoutlinedinthe?rstchapterofthisp- lication. Chapters two and three form the core of the publication and describe the characteristics of VET systems, VET programmes, and approaches to VET teacher training in the Baltic states. Chapter four expands this perspective and illustrates aspects of internationalisation in higher education. In particular, a joint degree programme to qualify VET staff is detailed. The internationali- tion of degree programmes is a serious challenge for university faculties. The global dimension in teaching international degree programmes is discussed in the ?nal part of this book.
Table of Content
The European Dimension of VET.- Higher Education in Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century.- Lisbon, Bruges, Copenhagen: Milestones Towards a European Vocational Education and Training Sector—A Critical Survey of the Current Situation.- VET in the Baltic States.- Vocational Education and Training in Estonia: Reform Processes and Tendencies.- Vocational Education and Training in Latvia: The Problems and Solutions.- Vocational Education and Training in Lithuania: Reform Processes and Tendencies.- VET Teacher Training in the Baltic States.- The State of Vocational Teacher Training in Estonia.- Reform of VET Teacher Training in Latvia.- Development of a Vocational Teacher Education Strategy in Lithuania: Challenges, Reality and Solutions.- International Co-operation in VET Degree Programmes.- Internationalisation and Co-operation in Higher Education: A Multi-National Masters Degree Programme in Vocational Education and Training.- Developing Globally-Competent University Teachers.