Björn von Schlippe ist seit 1992 als Freelance Illustrator für Werbeagenturen, Filmproduktionen und Verlage in Deutschland, England und der Schweiz tätig. Er war Dozent für Storyboard-Zeichnen an der Bildkunstakademie in Hamburg, auf Workshops, Kongressen, Symposien und anderen Veranstaltungen wird er als »Live-vor-Ort-Zeichner« gebucht. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Arist von Schlippe, veröffentlichen er unter dem Signet »Kartist« seit 2012 regelmäßig Cartoons in diversen Fachzeitschriften und Büchern.
4 Ebooks by Franz Kellermanns
Frank Hoy & Franz Kellermanns: Routledge Companion to Family Business
The Routledge Companion to Family Business offers a definitive survey of a field that has seen rapid growth in research in recent years. Edited by leading scholars with contributions from the top min …
Frank Hoy & Franz Kellermanns: Routledge Companion to Family Business
The Routledge Companion to Family Business offers a definitive survey of a field that has seen rapid growth in research in recent years. Edited by leading scholars with contributions from the top min …
Arist von Schlippe: The Carousel of Indignation and Outrage
Conflicts have accompanied mankind since time immemorial, and for almost as long people have been trying to limit and deal with them – whether as those affected by them or as professionals with more …
Arist von Schlippe: The Carousel of Indignation and Outrage
Conflicts have accompanied mankind since time immemorial, and for almost as long people have been trying to limit and deal with them – whether as those affected by them or as professionals with more …