Author: Fred Harrison

Fernando Scornik Gerstein, es abogado argentino, español y Solicitor de la Suprema Corte de Inglaterra y Gales. Fue en Argentina Asesor de los Ministros de Economía y Agricultura y Ganadería y Director General de la Comisión Especial para la Implementación del Impuesto a la renta potencial de la tierra. En el Reino Unido fue Presidente de la “International Union for Land Value Taxation”, con sede en Londres, de la cual ahora es miembro del Comité Ejecutivo. Ha publicado libros sobre el tema del suelo y el régimen fiscal en Argentina y el Reino Unido. Entre ellos: “Tenencia de la tierra para una sociedad más justa” (incluye dos proyectos de reforma fiscal, uno encargado por el gobierno argentino y otro presentado por el autor durante el “corralito”) (Argentina); “The future of Taxation” (UK); “El Poll-Tax y la caída de Margaret Thatcher” (Argentina); “The marginalists and the special status of land as a factor of production” (UK, junto con Fred Foldvary). Fred Harrison, es economista británico, graduado como Bachelor of Arts (BA con Honores) en la Universidad de Oxford y como Master of Science (Msc) en la Universidad de Londres, Reino Unido. Es Director Ejecutivo del “Land Research Trust” en Londres. Su primer libro (“Power in the land”, 1983) reubicó el ciclo de 18 años del valor de la tierra en el análisis macroeconómico. Su trilogía “Handbook on Humanity” (Vol. 1: “As evil does”, 2015) explora los riesgos existenciales para la civilización que surgen de lo que él llama “la cultura del engaño” que elaboró en “The Traumatizad Society” (2012). Ha publicado también “The corruptions of Economics” (UK, coautor con Mason Gaffney) y es autor de tres libros publicados en Madrid por Ediciones Gondo: “BOOM-BUST – Del auge a la depresión. El precio de la vivienda, el sistema bancario y la depresión de 2010”, “La Bala de Plata” y “La cultura depredadora”.

14 Ebooks by Fred Harrison

Fernando Scornik Gerstein & Fred Harrison: La especulación inmobiliaria y el silencio de los corderos
Para resolver la crisis en democracia, necesitamos un sistema fiscal transparente. El mayor paso en ese sentido se realizará cuando los impuestos que dañan la producción sean disminuidos o reemplazad …
Fred Harrison: Boom Bust
In the two and a half years since the first edition appeared (April 2005), events have unfolded as predicted. Then the consensus among forecasters was that the boom in house prices would cool to an a …
Fred Harrison: Ricardo’s Law
This book offers the first comprehensive assessment of Tony Blair’s premiership and his Third Way project. It reveals the hidden flaw in the market economy which explains why politicians, of all part …
Fred Harrison: The Predator Culture
Fred Harrison draws on global-wide case studies to show how the violent birth of nation-states, whether the result of territorial conquests or colonialism, splits the population into two classes, vic …
Fred Harrison: The Traumatised Society
Having correctly forecast the timing of the global crisis, the author now extends that same analysis to the future of the West, to evaluate fears from distinguished commentators who claim that Europe …
Fred Harrison: Brady and Hindley
The shocking true crime story of child murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, Great Britain’s most horrific serial killers. During the early 1960s, just as Beatlemania was exploding throughout t …
Fred Harrison: #WeAreRent Book 1
To overcome the economic aftermath of Covid-19 and empower people to ‘build back better’, our world needs a new social paradigm. That model would need to launch humanity on to a moral growth path by …
Fred Harrison: The Power in the Land
This book is as relevant today as it was when it was published in 1983: we are faced with another global depression, which as it deepens, intensifies the pressure on governments and puts policy-maker …
Fred Harrison & Mason Gaffney: The Shepheard Walwyn Classics
Anthology containing: 01. The Corruption of Economics by Mason Gaffney & Fred Harrison 02. Land and Taxation by Nicolaus Tideman 03. A Philosophy for a Fair Society by Michael Hudson, G.J. Miller & K …
Fred Harrison: Ricardo’s Law
Presenting insights into how income and wealth are produced and distributed, this study analyzes how, despite two centuries of capital accumulation, poverty persists in rich nations. Relying on the t …
Fred Harrison: Boom Bust
Using the United Kingdom as a case study, this well-researched account shows how, for more than 200 years, a remarkably regular 18-year cycle of boom and bust can be traced to the peaks and troughs i …
Fred Harrison: Predator Culture
Drawing on case studies of organized violence-ranging from territorial wars and colonial conquests to non-state variants such as organized crime-this record offers a general theory to account for the …
Fred Harrison: Traumatised Society
Attributing the present global economic crisis to a social process of cheating, this discussion develops a synthesis of the social and natural sciences to show how the market system can be reformed t …