Real Dramas by Fred M. White is a captivating collection of intense and riveting stories that delve into the heart of human emotions and conflicts. Each tale explores the complexities of life, from thrilling escapades to heart-wrenching dilemmas, all presented with White’s signature storytelling flair. With a blend of psychological depth and dramatic flair, these stories reveal the raw truths behind human nature, offering a window into the passions and struggles that define our existence. Dive into this compelling collection and experience the powerful narratives that will keep you hooked and eager for more.
About the author
Fred M. White (1859–1935) was a British author known for his prolific output of mystery, adventure, and speculative fiction. He is most famous for his early science fiction disaster novels, particularly ‘The Doom of London’ series, which depicted catastrophic events befalling the city. White wrote hundreds of short stories and serialized works, which were popular in magazines during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His works contributed significantly to the development of early science fiction and thriller genres.