Author: Fuat Oğuz

Bora Altay is an Economist at the Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey. Fuat Oğuz is Professor of Economics at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey. 

4 Ebooks by Fuat Oğuz

Tamer Çetin & Fuat Oğuz: The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey
The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey brings together leading international scholars and experts on Turkey and regulatory reform to provide essential information on the recent Turkish experie …
Tamer Cetin & Fuat Oguz: Regulation and Competition in the Turkish Banking and Financial Markets
This book presents a detailed analysis of the Turkish banking and financial markets. The emphasis of the book is on the interrelations between competition and regulation. The author’s hope is to draw …
Albert O Hughes & Eric A Sanders: Native Americans
This book presents current research on new developments and policies in the Native American population in the United States. Topics discussed in this compilation include the impact of the Affordable …
Bora Altay & Fuat Oğuz: Rules, Contracts and Law Enforcement in the Ottoman Empire
This book examines the role of institutions and law on the economic performance of the Ottoman Empire between 1500 and 1800. By focussing on the pre-industrial period, the transition to industrialisa …