Author: G. K Chesterton

G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) es considerado uno de los narradores más brillantes e ingeniosos de la literatura anglosajona. Crítico, novelista y poeta, trabajó como periodista y fundó su propio semanario. A su lucidez para crear relatos se suma su ironía y su sentido del humor, que lo convierten en un maestro de la alegoría y la paradoja. Se convierte al catolicismo en 1922.

21 Ebooks by G. K Chesterton

G.K Chesterton: La ética en el país de los duendes
En el itinerario de su conversión, el autor recupera por oleadas algunas convicciones de la niñez, conservadas entre las líneas de cuentos de hadas y novelas de aventuras. Lo relata en Ortodoxia, su …
G.K Chesterton: Ortodoxia
Esta nueva traducción de la principal obra de Chesterton, sin crítica alguna a las realizadas hasta ahora, ofrece una mayor fluidez al hilo argumental. La edición incluye notas sobre el contexto …
G.K Chesterton: Historia de la familia
En un mundo que ha perdido contacto con la normalidad, se necesita un pionero para redescubrir las maravillas de lo normal. Esta compilación magistral de textos del prolífico G. K. Chesterton, …
G. K Chesterton: George Bernard Shaw
The book covers Shaw's career as a dramatist and critic in some detail, including his puritanical resistance to Shakespeare. This biography of George Bernard Shaw's writings and political …
G.K Chesterton: The Wisdom of Father Brown
The second volume of stories featuring the most unlikely detective in literature, The ingenious amateur detective Father Brown is put to the test again in this second collection of stories, which …
G.K Chesterton & Golden Deer Classics: The Man Who Knew Too Much
This contains the first 8 of the 12 stories in the published book The Man Who Knew Too Much and Other Stories. In these 8 detective thrillers, the main protagonist is Horne Fisher. (The omitted four …
G.K Chesterton: Heretics
Heretics is a collection of twenty essays written by English author G. K. Chesterton where he attempts to compile many of his classic thoughts that are consolidated into a single draft. The concerns …
G.K Chesterton: Wisdom Of Father Brown
The Wisdom Of Father Brown is an amazing series written by Sir G. K. Chesterton. In this collection of tales, Father Brown solves the crimes of an unidentified thief named Mr. Glass, a bandit attack, …
G.K Chesterton: All Things Considered
Chesterton wrote several writings for the London Daily News, which are collected in the book All Things Considered. While some of the issues are entertaining, some seem to be a bit serious. The book …
G.K Chesterton: Man Who Knew Too Much
The man who knew too much is a collection of short stories written by G. K. Chesterton which is centered around Horne Fisher, who is a font of all knowledge, which enables him to solve crimes and …
G.K Chesterton: Ballad Of The White Horse
A poem by English author G. K. Chesterton called The Ballad of the White Horse describes the bravery of the Saxon King Alfred the Great in an idealized manner. The poem, a ballad, has been regarded …
G.K Chesterton: Man Who Was Thursday A Nightmare
The Man Who Was Thursday is a thriller novel written by English author G.K. Chesterton and released in 1908. The book is also sub-titled A Nightmare, an allegory about the threat of anarchy in …
G.K Chesterton: What’s Wrong With The World
One of the most well-known and prolific authors of the twentieth century addresses a variety of issues in the appropriately named book What’s Wrong With the World, including feminism, big business, …
G.K Chesterton: Tremendous Trifles
Tremendous Trifles is a fictional novel written by English writer G. K. Chesterton. The Editor of the DAILY NEWS, the publication where these brief sketches first appeared, has reprinted them. These …
G.K Chesterton: Innocence Of Father Brown
The Innocence of Father Brown is a mystery novel which is written by the English novelist G.K. Chesterton. Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective who appears in 53 …
G.K Chesterton: New Jerusalem
The New Jerusalem is a philosophical travelog by G. K. Chesterton, a British author. This collection of essays is about Chesterton’s visits to Jerusalem in 1919 and a eulogy on the Middle Ages and …
G.K Chesterton: Manalive
Manalive is a Comedy, Mystery novel written by English writer G. K. Chesterton. The book explores the "holy fool, " a popular concept in both Religion and his own philosophy. There are two …
G.K Chesterton: Crimes Of England
The Crimes Of England is a fictional novel written by English writer G. K. Chesterton. The book showcases Chesterton’s views on the First World War. The Central Powers and the Allies, especially …
G.K Chesterton: La Clairvoyance du père Brown
Entre le ruban d’argent de l’aube et le ruban vert et brillant de la mer, le bateau toucha Harwich et y débarqua l’essaim de ses passagers. L’homme que nous allons …
G.K Chesterton: O Homem que Foi Quinta-Feira
G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) foi um influente escritor britânico, conhecido por sua obra diversificada, que inclui romances, contos, ensaios e poesia. Sua escrita, marcada por um estilo perspicaz, …
G.K Chesterton: St. Francis of Assisi
‘St. Francis was in advance of his age. He anticipated all that is most liberal and sympathetic in the modern mood; the love of nature; the love of animals; the sense of social compassion; the sense …