Author: Gabriel Ferry

Gabriel Ferry, a notable chronicler of the 19th century, is esteemed for his vivid portrayals of life in Mexico, especially for his seminal work, “Vagabond Life in Mexico.” His unique perspective stemmed from his French origins and his subsequent immersive experiences in the Americas, offering readers a glimpse into the cultural and social dynamics of that era. Ferry”s authorship delves into the essence of Mexico”s landscapes, the everyday lives of its people, and the nuanced interaction between the local and the foreign. While his voice reflects a bygone era, his texts remain a valuable repository for historians and literary enthusiasts seeking insights into the 19th-century Mexican milieu. His narrative style combines elements of travelogue with keen observation, anchoring his legacy as a noteworthy contributor to the genre of travel literature. “Vagabond Life in Mexico, ” often revered for its anthropological nuances and lyrical prose, is a testament to Ferry”s literary prowess and adventurous spirit. Through his works, he has carved a niche in the annals of travel writing and historical documentation, being both a witness to and a narrator of the cultural tapestry of Mexico during a rich period of its history.

7 Ebooks by Gabriel Ferry

Ligaran & Gabriel Ferry: Le Coureur des bois
Extrait : ‘C’est un pittoresque et important paysage à la fois que présente le port l’Elanchovi, sur la côte de Biscaye. Quand, à mon retour d’Amérique, poussé par l’un des hasards d’une vie d’aventu …
Ligaran & Gabriel Ferry: La Chasse aux Cosaques
Extrait : ‘Le romancier aurait mauvaise grâce à afficher les allures de l’historien ; toutefois il est certains faits peu connus d’une époque, il est quelques types que l’histoire a relégués dans l’o …
Gabriel Ferry: Vagabond Life in Mexico
Mexico is the most beautiful city ever built by the Spaniards in the New World; and even in Europe it would take a high place for splendor and magnificence. If you wish to behold the magnificent and …
Gabriel Ferry: Vagabond Life in Mexico
In ‘Vagabond Life in Mexico, ‘ Gabriel Ferry presents a vivid exploration of the realities and complexities of life on the margins in Mexico. Through lyrical prose and immersive storytelling, Ferry c …
Gabriel Ferry: Le crime du bois des Hogues
Dans ‘Le crime du bois des Hogues’, Gabriel Ferry tisse un récit poignant et captivant qui explore les profondeurs de la nature humaine à travers un mystère criminel ancré dans un cadre forestier. L’ …
Gabriel Ferry: Le crime du bois des Hogues
Dans ‘Le crime du bois des Hogues’, Gabriel Ferry met en lumière les méandres de la nature humaine à travers un récit noir mêlant drame et intrigue criminelle. L’œuvre, imprégnée d’un style descripti …
Gabriel Ferry: Le Coureur des bois ou les chercheurs d’or
C’est un pittoresque et imposant paysage à la fois que présente le port d’Elanchovi, sur la côte de Biscaye. Quand, à mon retour d’Amérique, poussé par l’un des hasards d’une vie d’aventures, je déba …