Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 38th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2020, the first volume of eight from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Nonlinear Dynamics, including papers on:
Nonlinear Reduced-order Modeling
Jointed Structures: Identification, Mechanics, Dynamics
Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics
Nonlinear Model & Modal Interactions
Nonlinear Damping
Nonlinear Modeling & Simulation
Nonlinearity & System Identification
About the author
Dr. Gaetan Kerschen, University of Liege, Liege; Dr. M.R.W. Brake, Rice Universiity, USA; Dr. Ludovic Renson, Univeristy of Bristol, UK, [email protected].