‘;Hell is other people!’ So said the great French existentialist philosopher, novelist and playwright Jean-Paul Sartre. The Reality of Others explores Sartre’s infamous maxim in detailwhen, where and why he said it, what he really meant by it, and what it means for us today. In comprehensively answering that crucial question, author Gary Cox provides an in-depth account of what Sartre and other philosophers and psychologists have said about the human condition, the nature of the self, and the intricate ways in which that nature shapes the interpersonal dynamics of our relationships with others. A genuine guide to lowering the temperature of our interactions with others, the book offers invaluable philosophical advice on how to establish more amicable, constructive and productive human relations, both with the people we know intimately and with the strangers we have to deal with each day. Ultimately, the key to not seeing hell in others lies in being calm, rational, moderate and authentic in our own person, while always treating others with consideration and respectespecially when they are making it most difficult for us to do so.