Celebrating 160 years of reporting, this is an anthology of the headlines that the Telegraph made. The paper sent Stanley to Africa and George Smith to discover the Babylonian story of Noah on ancient tablets. The 22-year-old Churchill wrote from the North-West frontier at £5 a column, and Kipling from the front in the First World War. As well as showcasing the talents of many of these eminent correspondents, The Telegraph History of the World gives a fascinating picture of the way people lived and how news was reported. In 1932 when reporting on the German presidential elections the Telegraph’s headline read ‘Herr Hitler’s Hopes Dashed Forever.’ Not all doom and gloom, the royal births and weddings as well as political scandals make for a diverse and interesting collection from late 19th-century to the duration of the 20th.
About the author
Gavin Fuller is head of the Telegraph library, responsible for maintaining that newspaper’s archive. He is also a former Mastermind champion and the editor of Leaves on the Line, a collection of readers’ letters to the Telegraph on trains and train journeys.