The cross and empty tomb form the center of the Christian faith. The church celebrates these two events in what is traditionally referred to as the Lord’s Supper. It is the custom in some Christian traditions to have a brief meditation related to the Lord’s Supper immediately prior to participation. These may be given by the pastor or by a layperson who presides over the ceremony. This book is a series of meditations delivered prior to the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It is our hope that they will be useful for laypeople who perform this service. They may also be helpful as private meditations on the central events of the Christian faith.
About the author
Ronald E. Heine is Professor Emeritus of Bible and Theology at Northwest Christian University in Eugene, Oregon. He is the author of several books on early Christian authors and subjects and translator of many of Origen’s exegetical and homiletical works, including The Commentary of Origen on the Gospel of St Matthew (2018), Origen: Commentary on the Gospel according to John (1989, 1993), and Origen: Homilies on Genesis and Exodus (1982).