Author: George Pransky

Jack Pransky, Ph.D. is founder/director of the Center for Inside-Out Understanding and an internationally recognized trainer, coach, counselor and consultant who since 1992 has been studying and teaching “The Three Principles, ” an inside-out, spiritually-based model and approach. Dr. Pransky authored the books, Somebody Should Have Told Us! (2011/2006); Prevention from the Inside-Out (2003); Prevention: The Critical Need (2001/1991); Parenting from the Heart (2012/2000/1997); Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond (2011/1998), and co-authored What Is a Thought? (A Thought is A Lot) children’s book and Healthy Thinking/Feeling/Doing from the Inside-Out prevention curriculum for middle school students (2000). Jack has worked in the field of prevention since 1968 in a wide variety of capacities. In 2001 his book, Modello received the Martin Luther King Storyteller’s Award for the book best exemplifying King’s vision of “the beloved community, ” and in 2004 Jack won the Vermont Prevention Pioneer’s Award.

2 Ebooks by George Pransky

Jack Pransky: Paradigm Shift: A History of The Three Principles
This is a brief history in three parts of a new paradigm understanding called The Three Principles, and its dissemination, which was uncovered by Sydney Banks in the 1970s and very gradually and sile …
George Pransky: Il manuale delle Relazioni
Scoprirete con piacere che per far funzionare il vostro matrimonio non servono né furibondi litigi, né costosi consulenti matrimoniali. Basta rendersi conto che gran parte dei problemi …