” George Willets became a dedicated anti tobacco advocate after having his vocal cords removed during surgery for throat cancer. As a laryngectomee, he re-trained himself to speak and spent many years addressing teen audiences revealing the very real dangers of smoking, and impressing upon them the critical need to make informed choices about tobacco. As an advocate against tobacco use, George has served as Chairman of the Shasta County Tobacco Educaion
Coalition. volunteered for the American Cancer Society and given back to the community as a tobacco-free spokesperson. A native of Southern California, George relocated to Shasta County in 1990
and focused his life on educating others, using his new voice.
Thousands of teenagers have benefited from his story. He now shares his experience with “That”s Easy For You To Say.”
1 Ebooks by George Willets
Deborah Peel & George Willets: ‘That’s Easy for You to Say’
A graphic tale of addiction versus the deadly threat of cancer where noboy wins. If the addiction doesn’t get you, the disease will. Willets writes from the heart when he describes his present circum …