Author: Georges Chapouthier

Georges Chapouthier is a biologist, philosopher and Emeritus Director of Research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France. His research interests focus on animals and the brain. Marie-Christine Maurel is a Professor at Sorbonne University and a researcher at the Institut de Systematique, Evolution, Biodiversite laboratory at the National Museum of Natural History in France. Her research interests focus on the origins of life, RNA, viroids and molecular archeobiology.

4 Ebooks by Georges Chapouthier

Georges Chapouthier & Marie-Christine Maurel: The Explosion of Life Forms
One of the essential characteristics of living beings is the explosion of variety in their forms that is intrinsically linked to the diversity of the environments they have adapted to. This book, the …
Georges Chapouthier & Marie-Christine Maurel: The Explosion of Life Forms
One of the essential characteristics of living beings is the explosion of variety in their forms that is intrinsically linked to the diversity of the environments they have adapted to. This book, the …
Georges Chapouthier & Marie-Christine Maurel: L’explosion des formes de vie
L’une des caracteristiques essentielles des etres vivants concerne l’explosion de leurs formes, liee a la diversite des milieux auxquels ils se sont adaptes.Fruit de la collaboration de specialistes …
Georges Chapouthier: L’homme, l’animal et l’ethique
L’homme, l’animal et l’ethique etudie, de maniere critique, les principaux elements d’un theme fondamental de societe, a savoir la maniere dont nous traitons les animaux.Partant du constat de la viol …