12 Ebooks by Georgios I Zekos
Georgios I Zekos: Independence of Arbitration
Arbitration is the process by which a difference among parties as to their mutual legal rights is referred and determined with a binding effect by the application of law through an arbitral tribunal …
Georgios I Zekos: Constitution, Arbitration and Courts
In "Constitution, Arbitration and Courts", arbitration is examined as it began, as an extrajudicial mechanism for resolving disputes. Private arbitration predates the public court system. T …
Georgios I Zekos: Corporate Governance and MNES in Globalization & Cyberspace
Globalization is the phenomenon of improved integration of the world economy as evidenced by the growth of international trade and factor mobility. Globalization involves primarily liberalization of …
Georgios I Zekos: Economics and Law on Competition in 21st Century Globalization
21st century globalization is distinguished by institutional and political reforms in many countries such as gradual trade liberalization and international coordination of policies. This author consi …
Georgios I Zekos: Risk Management and Corporate Governance in 21st Century Digital Economy
Governance designates all regulations intended for organization and centralization of human societies on a global scale. The management of corporations organizes the efforts of individuals in order t …
Georgios I Zekos: MNEs in the 21st Century
Globalization is characterized by the increase of MNEs, an increased role for international financial institutions, and/or an explosion of multilateral agreements and arrangements. Vertical integrati …
Georgios I Zekos: Law and Economics of IPRs
Intellectual property is at the centre of the "new economy." New economy products are characterized by declining average costs over a range of output, high rates of innovation, and network …
Georgios I Zekos: Law of Air, Road and Sea Transportation
International markets expand through better communication and transport technology. Transport networks are at the heart of the supply chain and are the foundation of any country’s economy. Transport …
Georgios I Zekos: United States of Europe in Place of the European Union
The signing of the Maastricht treaty created economic structure and institutions, and set in motion the process of adopting a common currency. The euro is, among many things, an economic project that …
Georgios I Zekos: E-Bills of Lading Contracts in Global Transportation
Transportation facilities are a necessary part of a country’s infrastructure. Efficient traveling and transportation of production and consumption goods are necessary requirements for competent tradi …
Georgios I Zekos: Monetary Policy and Risk Management in Financial Globalization
Globalization is a complex, forceful, legal and social process that takes place within an integrated whole with no regard for geographical boundaries. Financial globalization is criticized for conseq …
Georgios I Zekos: Law and Economics of Corporate Governance and Insider Trading
The regulation of insider trading prohibits insiders from using inside information in securities transactions, and the central goal of the regulator is to preclude non-public information from circula …