o. Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. mult. Bernhard Maidl was chair of construction method technology, tunnelling and construction management at the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum. Currently, Prof. Maidl is partner at MTC – Maidl Tunnelconsultants Gmb H & Co. KG, Duisburg.
Dr. Martin Herrenknecht is CEO of Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau. The company is technology and market leader in mechanised tunnelling. It is the only company in the world that offers the state-of-the-art tunnelling equipment for all soil types and in all diameters. Dr. Herrenknecht founded the company in 1977.
Dr. Ulrich Maidl is general manager of MTC – Maidl Tunnelconsultants Gmb H & Co. KG, Duisburg and is a publically appointed and accredited expert for tunnelling and micro-tunnelling.
Dr. Gerhard Wehrmeyer heads the Traffic Tunnelling division of Herrenknecht AG.
4 Ebooks by Gerhard Wehrmeyer
Martin Herrenknecht & Ulrich Maidl: Mechanised Shield Tunnelling
Mechanised shield tunnelling has developed considerably since the publication of the first edition of this book. Challenging tunnel projects under difficult conditions demand innovative solutions, wh …
Martin Herrenknecht & Ulrich Maidl: Mechanised Shield Tunnelling
Mechanised shield tunnelling has developed considerably since the publication of the first edition of this book. Challenging tunnel projects under difficult conditions demand innovative solutions, wh …
Bernhard Maidl & Martin Herrenknecht: Maschineller Tunnelbau im Schildvortrieb
Das Buch stellt den neuesten Stand der Technik des maschinellen Schildvortriebes und die unterschiedlichen Maschinenarten vor und gibt Berechnungsansätze und Konstruktionshinweise. Weitere Kapitel be …
Bernhard Maidl & Martin Herrenknecht: Maschineller Tunnelbau im Schildvortrieb
Das Buch stellt den neuesten Stand der Technik des maschinellen Schildvortriebes und die unterschiedlichen Maschinenarten vor und gibt Berechnungsansätze und Konstruktionshinweise. Weitere Kapitel be …