3 Ebooks by Gerond V Lake-Bakaar
Gerond V Lake-Bakaar: Rituximab
Rituximab (Mab Thera(R), Rituxan(R)) is a chimaeric murine/human antibody targeted against the surface antigen CD20 that is expressed on normal and malignant human mature B cells, but not stem cells …
Gerond V Lake-Bakaar: Alcohol and the Liver
The topic of alcohol and the liver is long overdue for re-evaluation. The authors of this book have clearly taken up this challenge. Human interest in alcohol dates back to the Neolithic period (circ …
Gerond V Lake-Bakaar: Portal Hypertension
The cirrhotic liver is significantly more vulnerable to injury. This vulnerability is particularly evident after the advent of portal hypertension. In the normal liver, up to 75 percent can be resect …