Author: Gerrit Glas

Gerrit Glas MD Ph D is psychiatrist and philosopher and holds the Dooyeweerd Chair for Christian philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His main interests are at the interfaces between psychiatry, philosophy, neuroscience, ethics and society. In 1993 he won the Van Helsdingen award for philosophy and psychiatry. He is editor-in-chief of Philosophia Reformata and a member of the board of the Abraham Kuyper Center for Science and the Big Questions at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Jeroen de Ridder Ph D is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focuses on social epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion. In 2010, he was awarded a Veni research grant by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for a project on the epistemic effects of the commercialization of science. In 2015, he received a Vidi research grant from NWO for a project on the epistemology of liberal democracy. Heis managing editor of Philosophia Reformata and a member of the board of the Abraham Kuyper Center for Science and the Big Questions at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

4 Ebooks by Gerrit Glas

Gerrit Glas & Moshe Halevi Spero: Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices
The chapters in this book are based on papers that were presented at the international conference Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Persons, 4–6 March 2002 in Amsterdam. The conference w …
Gerrit Glas & Jeroen de Ridder: The Future of Creation Order
This work provides an overview of attempts to assess the current condition of the concept of creation order within reformational philosophy compared to other perspectives. Focusing on the natural and …
Gerrit Glas: Person-Centred Care in Psychiatry
One of the paradoxes about psychiatry is that we have never known more about and better treated mental disorders, yet there exists so much unease about the practice of mental healthcare. Patients fee …
Gerrit Glas: Person-Centred Care in Psychiatry
One of the paradoxes about psychiatry is that we have never known more about and better treated mental disorders, yet there exists so much unease about the practice of mental healthcare. Patients fee …