Gesa Thiessen lectures in systematic theology at Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, and Mater Dei Institute, Dublin, and is an Honorary Fellow of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Wales, Lampeter. She has published several books including, among others, Ecumenical Ecclesiology (2009), Theological Aesthetics: A Reader (2004), and Theology and Modern Irish Art (1999).
4 Ebooks by Gesa E. Thiessen
Gesa Elsbeth Thiessen: Apostolic and Prophetic
Apostolic, ecumenical and radical: these are the ecclesial characteristics highlighted by Gesa E. Thiessen while explaining her vision of the church. The author focuses on the meaning of each of thes …
Gesa E. Thiessen: Apostolic and Prophetic
Apostolic and Prophetic promotes a vision of the church as apostolic, ecumenical, and radical. It explores the meaning of each of these ecclesial marks and their intrinsic connections. The volume thu …
Brian Leslie Bishop: The Beauty of Holiness
In this book, Brian Bishop simply pauses to look at fifty-seven beautiful images that feature the life and death of Jesus and the supper at which he appeared three days after his burial to two broken …