Author: Gingerlily

PR Pope: Accidentally pushed through a time-space warp as a child, PR Pope found himself in our dimension. Lucky enough to find a surrogate family in his exile, he had a fairly normal upbringing: school, university, research institute, international prizes. Drawing on his innate technological superiority over earthlings, he proceeded to “discover” many of the advances that we take for granted in a modern networked society – frequently passing the credit to others to avoid arousing suspicion. In the process he made and lost a fortune, but is nevertheless still happy. He has decided now is the time to commit to print some of the tales with which he was weaned on his home planet.

1 Ebooks by Gingerlily

et al & Alison Buck: [Re]Awakenings
Expect a life-changing experience [Re]Awakenings are the starting points for life-changing experiences; a new plane of existence, an alternate reality or cyber-reality. This genre-spanning antho …