Author: Giuseppe Conte

Olivier Sename received a Ph.D. degree from Ecole Centrale Nantes in 1994. He is now Professor at the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble within GIPSA-lab. His main research interests include Linear Parameter Varying systems and automotive applications. He is the (co-)author of 3 books, 80 international journal papers, and more than 250 international conference papers. He was the General Chair of the IFAC Joint Conference SSSC-TDS-FDA 2013, of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems 2015 and he was the IPC Chair of the 2nd and 4th IFAC Workshop LPVS 2018 & 2022. He was Program Chair of the 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering in 2021 and 2022. He presented several plenary talks (IFAC SSSC 2019, IFAC LPVS 2021, ICMCE 2021, ICSTCC2015). He is Associated editor of the IEEE CSS Letters and of the European Control Conferences. He is member of the IFAC TC 2.1 Linear Control Systems and 7.1 Automotive Control. He has led several industrial (Renault, Volvo Trucks, JTEKT, Delphi) and international (Mexico, Italy, Hungary, Spain) collaboration projects. He has supervised 34 Ph.D. students. Giuseppe Conte received the Laurea with Honor in Mathematics in 1974 from the University of Genova. He has been Lecturer and Associated Professor at the University of Genova and, from 1990 to 2021, Professor of Automation at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy. He has been Visiting Professor at the Ohio State University of Columbus, Ohio, in 1987 and at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, in 1988. He has got a Fulbright Scholarship (1980, 1987) and a NATO Senior Fellowship (1987). He has been Chairman of the IFAC TC on Linear Control Systems (2011-2017); founders and Chairman of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE – Control Systems Society (1998-2015). He has been IPC Chairman and/or General Chairman and invited/keynote speaker in several international conferences. He has been Principal Investigator/Coordinator ofinternational, EU and national funded research projects. He has been Associate Editors and Editor of Special Issues of journals in system and control theory. He has published about 400 papers in international journals and conference proceedings; he co-authored one book and edited four books of proceedings. He holds two Italian patents in the field of advanced sensory systems. His research interests are in algebraic/geometric methods in system and control theory and in robotics.

6 Ebooks by Giuseppe Conte

Giuseppe Conte & Claude H. Moog: Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems
A self-contained introduction to algebraic control for nonlinear systems suitable for researchers and graduate students. ‘Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems’ develops a linear-algebraic …
Tiziano Broggiato & Anna Buoninsegni: Le città dell’anima. I luoghi dei poeti
In questa antologia alcuni tra i principali poeti italiani raccontano l’anima dei luoghi dove vivono, dove scrivono. I poeti riportano nelle loro opere il gorgo o il sorvolo che li domina nel momento …
Giuseppe Conte & Anna M. Perdon: New Trends in Systems Theory
The University of Genoa – Ohio State University Joint Conference on New Trends in Systems Theory was held at the Badia di S. Andrea in Genoa on July 9-11, 1990. This Proceedings volume contains artic …
Giuseppe Conte & Anna Maria Perdon: Structural Methods in the Study of Complex Systems
?Structural Methods in the Study of Complex Systems helps the reader respond to the challenge of mastering complexity in systems and control. The book details the fundamental control problems arising …
Elena Zattoni & Silvio Simani: 15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2019)
This book, published in two volumes, embodies the proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2019) held in Bologna, Italy, in November 2019. It features contribu …
Giuseppe Conte & Olivier Sename: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering
This volume consists of selected peer reviewed papers from the 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2021) discussing latest advances in mechanical engineering …