Seed Falling on Good Soil is a unique book that combines a historically informed approach to Lucan parables with a critical understanding of social justice issues of our own age. The author proposes that the stories told by Jesus were narratives of resistance challenging audiences to participate in the personal and social transformation of God’s kingdom. The author’s experience in international community development provides a perspective rarely found among New Testament specialists. The book uses stories from the margins of our current world to connect the message of the parables with global issues of poverty, ethnic violence, gender discrimination, hunger and oppression. This book will appeal to people who long for the healing of a wounded world.
About the author
Gordon W. King brings together the worlds of community development in the Global South and New Testament studies. He was the director of relief and development programs for Canadian Baptist Ministries, worked for World Vision, and served on the Canadian government’s Immigration and Refugee Board. King has studied New Testament at Acadia, Princeton Seminary, University of Sheffield, and Carey Theological College. He has taught theology courses in Bolivia, India, Kenya, and Canada, and is currently a Resource Specialist for Canadian Baptist Ministries.