Greg Bailey is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Program in
Asian Studies, La Trobe University, Melbourne. He has
published translations and studies of the Ga?esa Pura?a,
Bhart?hari’s Satakatraya and books on the god Brahma, early
Buddhism, contemporary Australia, and many articles on
Sanskrit literature. At present he is working on the relationship
between early Buddhism and the Mahabharata.
5 Ebooks by Greg Bailey
Greg Bailey: Harry Dwight and the Quest for Mayoralty
This tells the story of Harry Dwight, resident of a fictional town named Rollingdale, set somewhere in the Australian countryside, but close to a large city. Harry makes his living by selling water i …
Greg Bailey: Harry Dwight and the Quest for Mayoralty
This tells the story of Harry Dwight, resident of a fictional town named Rollingdale, set somewhere in the Australian countryside, but close to a large city.Harry makes his living by selling water in …
Greg Bailey & Alice Wood: Dragtails
Just as raucous, ravishing and brimming with camp as the drag stars who inspired them, these 50 cocktails are destined for the spotlight. With a foreword by drag legend and Drag Race superstar Raja G …
Greg Bailey & Amir Causevic: Cities and Cultural Landscapes
Places are locations of value where psychological and cultural needs are satisfied. Human relationships with particular environments play a key role in motivating, developing, and nurturing the life …