Written for psychologists, educational psychologists and developmental biologists, this volume explores the concept of giftedness, including its definition, origins and development. The author offers a balanced view of the topic and presents optimal educational strategies for various kinds of high ability. The effects of both environmental and biological/genetic factors on a student’s level of giftedness are also discussed, as is the question of whether gifted people can be created.
Table of Content
Partial table of contents:
Giftedness and Intelligence: One and the Same?
(D. Detterman).
Psychological Profiles of the Mathematically Talented: Some Sex
Differences and Evidence Supporting Their Biological Basis (C.
Benbow & D. Lubinski).
Genetics and High Cognitive Ability (R. Plomin & L.
The Early Lives of Child Prodigies (M. Howe).
Musical Ability (J. Sloboda).
Boys and Girls Who Reason Well Mathematically (J. Stanley).
Scientific Ability (K. Heller).
Accelerating Language Acquisition (W. Fowler, et
Can We Create Gifted People?
(K. Ericsson, et al.).
Closing Remarks (R. Atkinson).
About the author
The Novartis Foundation is an international scientific and educational charity which promotes the study and general knowledge of science and in particular encourages international co-operation in scientific research.