Author: Gretchen E. Minton

 Gretchen E. Minton received her Ph D from the University of British Columbia and worked at the University of Minnesota before moving to Bozeman, Montana in 2006. She is Associate Professor of English at Montana State University, where she teaches classes in Shakespeare, early modern British literature, drama, the Bible, and other topics. Dr. Minton is the co-editor of William Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton’s Timon of Athens for Arden Shakespeare (2008). Her other work as an editor includes Troilus and Cressida for the forthcoming Norton Complete Works of Shakespeare and Much Ado about Nothing for the Internet Shakespeare Editions. In addition to her work as an editor, she has published numerous articles, book reviews, and encyclopedia entries on topics including Shakespeare, Erasmus, Augustine, modern drama, and the English Reformation. She is the author of multiple articles and conference papers focusing on John Bale and John Foxe.

9 Ebooks by Gretchen E. Minton

Gretchen E. Minton: John Bale’s ‘The Image of Both Churches’
This book is a critical edition of John Bale’s The Image of Both Churches (c. 1545). The Introduction provides a thorough overview of this sixteenth century work, explaining its relationship to the a …
Minton Gretchen E. Minton: Revenger’s Tragedy
A major new edition of this much studied play offering the standard, depth and range associated with all Arden editions. The on-page commentary notes explain the language, referenes and staging issue …
Gretchen E. Minton: Shakespeare in Montana
Tracing more than two centuries of history, Shakespeare in Montana uncovers a vast array of different voices that capture the state’s love affair with the world’s most famous writer. From mountain me …
William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night: Arden Performance Editions
For the first time, the world-renowned Arden Shakespeare is producing Performance Editions, aimed specifically for use in the rehearsal room. Published in association with the Shakespeare Institute, …
William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night: Arden Performance Editions
For the first time, the world-renowned Arden Shakespeare is producing Performance Editions, aimed specifically for use in the rehearsal room. Published in association with the Shakespeare Institute, …
Shakespeare William Shakespeare: Timon Of Athens
Timon of Athens has struck many readers as rough and unpolished, perhaps even unfinished, though to others it has appeared as Shakespeare’s most profound tragic allegory. Described by Coleridge as `t …
Minton Gretchen E. Minton: Revenger’s Tragedy
A major new edition of this much studied play offering the standard, depth and range associated with all Arden editions. The on-page commentary notes explain the language, referenes and staging issue …
Gretchen E. Minton: The Revenger”s Tragedy: The State of Play
The Revenger”s Tragedy (1606), now widely attributed to Thomas Middleton, is a play that provides a dark, satirical response to other revenge tragedies such as Hamlet. With its over-the-top and high …
Gretchen E. Minton: The Revenger”s Tragedy: The State of Play
The Revenger”s Tragedy (1606), now widely attributed to Thomas Middleton, is a play that provides a dark, satirical response to other revenge tragedies such as Hamlet. With its over-the-top and high …