This book offers an exceptionally well informed and well documented study of the processes by which a Treaty is not only created, but managed and adapted as a living organism, responding to changing political and economic circumstances throughout its life. Bermuda 2, which governed air services between the UK and the USA from 1977 till 2008, had to accommodate rapid but volatile market growth, conflicting policies for a more open market, and a market structure which evolved from national champions to multinational alliances. With stakes high enough for Presidents and Prime Ministers to intervene at key moments, the dramatic narrative (Part I) is helpfully cross-referenced to a fully annotated Treaty text (Part II) as well as a unique collection of supplementary documents (Part III). These three elements offer students of international law and international relations, as well as to-day’s post-BREXIT practitioners, a comprehensive guide to the wide range of legal instruments and negotiating strategies that may be used to govern and regulate a major industry within the framework of a Treaty relationship.
Table of Content
Part I The Narrative.- Chapter One: Introduction.- Chapter Two:The shaping of a new Treaty.- Chapter Three: Loosening the Straitjacket.- Chapter Four: Strain and Stress.- Chapter Five: Liberalisation, Alliances and Globalisation.- Chapter Six: The European Denouement.- Chapter Seven: Conclusions.Part II The Treaty.- Text of Bermuda 2 with Amendments and Commentary.- Annex 1: The Route Schedules.-Annex 1. Section 1: Scheduled Combination Air Service Routes for the United States.Annex 1. Section 2: Scheduled All-Cargo Air Service Routes for the United States.Annex 1. Section 3: Scheduled Combination Air Service Routes for the United Kingdom.Annex 1. Section 4: Scheduled All-Cargo Air Service Routes for the United Kingdom.Annex 1. Section 5: Notes Applicable to All Routes.Annex 1. Section 6: Notes on New Gateway Points.
Annex 1. Section 7: London Airports.Annex 2. Capacity on the North Atlantic.Annex 3. Tariffs.Annex 4. Charter Air Service Provisions.Annex 5. North Atlantic Air Cargo Operations.Part III Supplementary Documentation.Introduction to Documents.Schedule.Documents.Glossary.Bibliography.Index
About the author
Handley Stevens was a Visiting Research Associate, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Treaty work featured prominently throughout his previous career in UK government service, both at home and abroad. As Head of International Aviation in the Department of Transport from 1983 to 1987, he led negotiations both with the EU and with the USA.
Handley Stevens has written extensively on UK and EU administration and transport policies. His other books include Transport Policy in Britain (with Stephen Glaister et al), Brussels Bureaucrats? (with Anne Stevens) and Transport Policy in the European Union.