Prof. Hans-Martin Kirn, Theological University of Kampen, Netherlands.
6 Ebooks by Hans-Martin Kirn
Hans-Martin Kirn: Geschichte des Christentums IV, 1
A complex process of transformation creating the breakthrough into the modern age, with effects that are still formative today, took place in the history of the Western church in the seventeenth and …
Hans-Martin Kirn: Geschichte des Christentums IV, 1
A complex process of transformation creating the breakthrough into the modern age, with effects that are still formative today, took place in the history of the Western church in the seventeenth and …
Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer: Sebastian Castellio (1515–1563) – Dissidenz und Toleranz
Castellio’s plea for religious tolerance and his refusal of prosecution of dissenters are as relevant today as they had been in 1554 when Michel Servet’s burning at the stake occasioned Castellio’s p …
Zsolt Görözdi & Henk de Roest: Roads to Reconciliation Between Groups in Conflict / Theology in a World of Ideologies: Authorization or Critique?
Dieser Band versammelt die Beiträge der 10. und 11. Konferenz des Comeniusrats protestantisch-theologischer Fakultäten in Mittel- und Osteuropa und den Niederlanden: ‘Wege zur Versöhnung zwischen Kon …
Hans-Martin Kirn & Adolf Martin Ritter: Geschichte des Christentums IV, 2
A complex process of transformation creating the breakthrough into the modern age, with effects that are still formative today, took place in the history of the Western church in the seventeenth and …
Hans-Martin Kirn & Adolf Martin Ritter: Geschichte des Christentums IV, 2
A complex process of transformation creating the breakthrough into the modern age, with effects that are still formative today, took place in the history of the Western church in the seventeenth and …