Prof. em. Dr. Walter Dietrich, University of Berne.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Mathys, University of Basle.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Römer, Collège de France and University of Lausanne.
Prof. em. Dr. Rudolf Smend, University of Göttingen.
5 Ebooks by Hans-Peter Mathys
Walter Dietrich & Hans-Peter Mathys: Die Entstehung des Alten Testaments
This teaching and textbook describes the biblical writings, first by content and structure, and then follows their process of coming into being back to the respective reason for their origin. The fra …
Walter Dietrich & Hans-Peter Mathys: Die Entstehung des Alten Testaments
This teaching and textbook describes the biblical writings, first by content and structure, and then follows their process of coming into being back to the respective reason for their origin. The fra …
Wilfried Engemann: Glaubenskultur und Lebenskunst
Dieser Band behandelt Fragen, die für eine zeitgenössische Theologie von großem Gewicht sind. Die Beiträge stellen die Lebensdienlichkeit der Traditionen, Inhalte und Formen der religiösen Praxis des …
Walter Dietrich: Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel
A comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date scholarly introduction to the world of the Hebrew Bible – its cultural setting, literary form, social backgrounds, ritual nature, and its images of humanity a …
Walter Dietrich: Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel
A comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date scholarly introduction to the world of the Hebrew Bible – its cultural setting, literary form, social backgrounds, ritual nature, and its images of humanity a …