Author: Harald Zur Hausen

In 2008 Professor zur Hausen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine. Among his many other awards, he has held the Robert Koch Award, the Charles S. Mott Prize of the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation, the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Award, the German Cancer Award, and the Federal Order of Merit, as well as six honorary degrees and seven visiting professorships. Since 1983 Harald zur Hausen acted as chairman of the management board and scientific director of the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg until his retirement in 2003. Previously he worked at a range of different universtities in the USA and Germany. Professor zur Hausen has served on a large number of different scientific and policy bodies in many different countries including the European Board of Directors of HUGO, the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the French National Cancer Institute and Vice-Chairman of the German American Academic Council.

6 Ebooks by Harald Zur Hausen

Harald zur Hausen: Infections Causing Human Cancer
Infections must be thought as one of the most important, if not the most important, risk factors for cancer development in humans. Approximately 15-20% of all cases of cancer around the world are …
Ethel-Michele de Villiers & Harald zur Hausen: TT Viruses
Eleven years ago the circular DNA of a novel single-stranded virus has been cloned and partially characterized by Nishizawa and Okamoto and their colleagues. According to the initials of the patient …
Claudia Eberhard-Metzger & Ingrid Glomp: Das Genom-Puzzle
Etwa 3 Milliarden Genbausteine umfaßt das Erbgut des Menschen, an dessen Entschlüsselung Forscher in aller Welt arbeiten. Verständlich und aktuell informiert dieses Buch über die wichtigsten …
Harald Zur Hausen & Hilke Stamatiadis-Smidt: Thema Krebs
Rund 250.000 mal jährlich holen sich Menschen aus ganz Deutschland Rat beim Krebsinformationsdienst. Das Buch beantwortet verständlich die häufigsten Fragen zu den Ursachen der Krebsentstehung, …