Web-Based Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice explores the state of the art in the research and use of technology in education and training from a learning perspective. This edited book is divided into three major sections:*Policy, Practice, and Implementation Issues — an overview of policy issues, as well as tools and designs to facilitate implementation of Web-based learning;*Theory and Research Issues — a look at theoretical foundations of current and future Web-based lear...
Web-Based Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice explores the state of the art in the research and use of technology in education and training from a learning perspective. This edited book is divided into three major sections:*Policy, Practice, and Implementation Issues — an overview of policy issues, as well as tools and designs to facilitate implementation of Web-based learning;*Theory and Research Issues — a look at theoretical foundations of current and future Web-based learning; the section also includes empirical studies of Web-based learning; and*Summary and Conclusions — highlights key issues in each chapter and outlines a research and development agenda.Within this framework the book addresses several important issues, including: the primacy of learning as a focus for technology; the need to integrate technology with high standards and content expectations; the paucity of and need to support the development of technology-based curriculum and tools; the need to integrate assessment in technology and improve assessment through the use of technology; and the need for theory-driven research and evaluation studies to increase our knowledge and efficacy.Web-Based Learning is designed for professionals and graduate students in the educational technology, human performance, assessment and evaluation, vocational/technical, and educational psychology communities.