This is the Eleventh Edition of the student workbook that accompanies the best selling ‘bible’ of project management. The workbook contains additional problems and exercises to reinforce the concepts presented in the main text. It also serves as a self-study guide for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification exam to be based on PMI®’s PMBOK® Guide, 5E. Both as accompanying supplement to Kerzner’s text and as standalone self-study guide, this workbook gives students key insights from the acknowledged world leader in project management.
(PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PMP, and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Table of Content
Preface vii
1. Project Management Overview 1
2. Project Management Growth: Concepts and Definitions 17
3. Organizational Structures 31
4. Organizing and Staffing the Project Office and Team 41
5. Management Functions 59
6. Management of Your Time and Stress 81
7. Conflicts 95
8. Special Topics 111
9. The Variables for Success 127
10. Working with Executives 143
11. Planning 155
12. Network Scheduling Techniques 183
13. Project Graphics 205
14. Pricing and Estimating 215
15. Cost Control 233
16. Trade-off Analysis 253
17. Risk Management 263
18. Learning Curves 281
19. Contract Management 293
20. Quality Management 317
21. Modern Developments in Project Management 333
22. Situational Exercises 341
23. Project Management Crossword Puzzles 371
24. PMP® and CAPM® Exam Review 405
25. Challenging and Engaging Questions and Exercises 489
About the author
HAROLD KERZNER, Ph.D., is Senior Executive Director for Project Management at the International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL), a global learning solutions company that conductstraining for leading corporations throughout the world. He is theauthor of Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Eleventh Edition and other bookson project management.
FRANK P. SALADIS, PMP, is a senior consultant and trainerfor the International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL), and isthe originator of International Project Management Day, a day ofrecognition for project managers held during November of each year.Mr. Saladis is the author of the book Positive Leadership in Project Management, based on his popular series of articlespublished by all, and coauthored several books with Dr.Harold Kerzner. Mr. Saladis was awarded the 2006 Linn Stuckenbruck Person of the Year Award by the Project Management Institute. He isa past president of the PMI New York City Chapter and was the chairof the PMI Education and Training Special Interest Group through2009.