Mountains have long held an appeal for people around the world. This book focusses on the diversity of perspectives, interaction and role of tourism within these areas. Providing a vital update to the current literature, it considers the interdisciplinary context of communities, the creation of mountain tourism experiences and the impacts tourism has on these environments. Including authors from Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America, the development, planning and governance issues are also covered.
About the author
– Michael Lück is a professor in the School of Hospitality and Tourism, and associate director for the coastal and marine tourism research programme at the New Zealand Tourism Research Institute, both at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. He is founding co-chair of the International Coastal & Marine Tourism Society (ICMTS). Michael has more than 10 years work experience in the tourism industry and his research interests include (marine) wildlife tourism, the cruise industry, ecotourism, interpretation and education on wildlife tours, the impacts of tourism, and aviation/transport. He has published in a number of international journals, is founding editor-in-chief of the academic journal Tourism in Marine Environments, Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecotourism and Human Dimensions of Wildlife, and editorial board member of Marine Policy and Frontiers. Michael has edited or co-edited ten volumes on ecotourism, marine and polar tourism, events and low cost airlines, as well as the Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (CABI), and co-authored the introductory text Tourism (CABI).