Modern Privacies addresses emergent transformations of privacy in western societies from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. It examines social and cultural trends in new media, feminism, law, work and intimacy which indicate that our perceptions, evaluations and enactments of privacy in constant flux.
Table of Content
Introduction; H.Blatterer, P.Johnson & M.R.Markus Privacy, Secrecy, Intimacy, Human Bonds, Utopia – and Other Collateral Casualties of Liquid Modernity; Z.Bauman When Privacy Goes Public: New Media and the Transformation of the Culture of Confession; G.Burkart Images of Intimacy in Feminist Discussions over Private/Public Boundaries; P.Johnson Privacy and Law; A.Glass Social Networking, Privacy and the Pursuit of Visibility; H.Blatterer Can Solitude be Recaptured for the Sake of Intimacy?; M.R.Markus The Erotic Imaginary, Autonomy and Modernity; J.Rundell What’s Wrong with Therapy Culture?; P.Johnson Privacy and Work; N.Ebert Narcissism and the Emergence of the Network Society; E.Zaretsky Conclusion: Futures of Modern Privacies; H.Blatterer, P.Johnson & M.R.Markus
About the author
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Universities of Leeds, UK and Warsaw, Poland GÜNTER BURKART is Professor of Sociology at the Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Germany NORBERT EBERT is Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Macquarie University, Australia ARTHUR GLASS is Associate Professor in Law, University of New South Wales, Australia JOHN RUNDELL is Associate Professor in the School of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Enquiry, Melbourne University, Australia ELI ZARETSKY is Professor of History at The New School for Social Research, USA