A new edition of a classic book by Harry Edwards, the renowned healer, on the phenomenal physical mediumship of the ex-miner Jack Webber, first printed in 1940. This account covers the 14 months before Webber’s untimely death in March 1940 before the book came to print. Newspaper journalists from daily papers were invited to sit and they published detailed and “laudatory” articles and all “testified to their amazement” at what they witnessed. This included table levitation, cone shaped “trumpets” flying rapidly through the air and voices speaking to them through them. Some saw faces they recognised in the ectoplasm which came from the medium. The outstanding photographs, many taken in the darkness via Infra-red by professional photographer Leon Isaacs, provide us with an unparalleled record of what the spirit world can achieve with dedication.
Table of Content
I. Foreword
II. The medium—John Boaden (Jack) Webber
III. Infra-red Photography
IV. The Securing of the Medium
V. Report of a Séance by Bernard Gray (“Sunday Pictorial”)
VI. Critical Analysis of a Séance by Colin Evans, B.A.
VII. Report of a Séance by ‘Cassandra”, (“Daily Mirror”)
VIII. The Removal and Replacing of the Coat
IX. The Process of Apporting Objects
X. The Astral Head
XI. Levitation of the Medium
XII. Table Levitation
XIII. Trumpet Phenomena
XIV. Ectoplasmic Structures
XV. Voice Production
XVI. Ectoplasmic Materials
XVII. Materialized Forms, Heads, Hands, etc.
XVIII. Incidents of the Mediumship
XIX. The Guides’ Care of the Medium
XX. Electrical Interferences
XXI. Conclusions
XXII. The “Return” of Jack Webber
XXIII. The Author – Henry James (Harry) Edwards