Klaus Pohl is full professor for Software Systems Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany and director of paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology. From 2005 until 2007 he was scientific founding director of Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre.
Manfred Broy is full professor for Software and Systems Engineering at the Institute for Software and Systems Engineering of the Technical University of Munich, a Max-Planck-Fellow, member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering and member of the German National Academy of the Sciences “Leopoldina”.
Heinrich Daembkes is honorary professor at Ulm University. Until June 2016 he was Vice President at Airbus Defence and Space, a division of the Airbus Group. He was responsible for systems and software engineering. In addition, he was also President of ARTEMIS-IA (Advanced Research & Technology for EMbedded Intelligent Systems). ARTEMIS Industry Association is a membership organisation with more than 170 members and associates from all over Europe.
Harald Hönninger is Vice President Advance Engineering for Software-Intensive Systems at Corporate Research and Advanced Development with Robert Bosch Gmb H. He is responsible for the pre-development of software-intensive systems and for software-, hardware- and systems engineering methods.
1 Ebooks by Heinrich Daembkes
Klaus Pohl & Manfred Broy: Advanced Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems
This book provides a comprehensive introduction into the SPES XT modeling framework. Moreover, it shows the applicability of the framework for the development of embedded systems in different industr …