Author: Helena Machado

Dados pessoais: Helena Machado nasceu no Rio de Janeiro. É bacharel em Comunicação Social pela UFRJ e atriz formada pela CAL. Roteirista e dramaturga premiada pelas peças Sexton (5º Seleção Brasil em Cena – CCBB / MINC) e Aos peixes (Festival de Teatro do Rio de Janeiro). Memória de ninguém é seu romance de estreia e teve o primeiro capítulo publicado na Revista Granta.

9 Ebooks by Helena Machado

Helena Machado & Barbara Prainsack: Tracing Technologies
The real heroes of television crime shows in the twenty-first century are no longer police detectives but forensic technologies. The immense popularity of high-tech crime television shows has changed …
Helena Machado & Barbara Prainsack: Tracing Technologies
The real heroes of television crime shows in the twenty-first century are no longer police detectives but forensic technologies. The immense popularity of high-tech crime television shows has changed …
Rafaela Granja & Helena Machado: Forensic Genetics in the Governance of Crime
This open access book uses a critical sociological perspective to explore contemporary ways of reformulating the governance of crime through genetics. Through the lens of scientific knowledge and …
Nina Amelung & Rafaela Granja: Modes of Bio-Bordering
This open access book explores how biometric data is increasingly flowing across borders in order to limit, control and contain the mobility of selected people, namely criminalized populations. It …
Nazir Ahmed (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Can & Sheila (University of Minho, Portugal) Khan: Racism and Racial Surveillance
Based on the premise that the project of Western Modernity is a structuring element of our societies, Racism and Racial Surveillance explores in detail its legacies of coloniality and racialization t …
Nazir Ahmed (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Can & Sheila (University of Minho, Portugal) Khan: Racism and Racial Surveillance
Based on the premise that the project of Western Modernity is a structuring element of our societies, Racism and Racial Surveillance explores in detail its legacies of coloniality and racialization t …
Rafaela Granja & Helena Machado: Genetic Surveillance and Crime Control
Genetic Surveillance and Crime Control presents a new empirical and conceptual framework for understanding trends of genetic surveillance in different countries in Europe and in other jurisdictions a …
Rafaela Granja & Helena Machado: Genetic Surveillance and Crime Control
Genetic Surveillance and Crime Control presents a new empirical and conceptual framework for understanding trends of genetic surveillance in different countries in Europe and in other jurisdictions a …
Helena Machado: Memória de ninguém
Memória de ninguém é sobre uma mulher em luto após a morte do pai. Prestes a completar quarenta anos, ela entra em crise profunda diante da passagem do tempo, de sua própria incapacidade de …