Provides multidisciplinary coverage of stalking behavior worldwide from both academic and practical approaches
Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: The International Perspective is a thorough, up-to-date overview of stalking perpetration and victimization in different regions of the world. This authoritative book brings together contributions from a team of leading scholars and practitioners that discuss a diverse range of interrelated topics and issues relevant to stalking and intrusive behavior from both theoretical and practical contexts. Whereas most of the literature on the subject is written from a Western viewpoint, this unique volume examines empirical research, policies, and practices from Asian and African countries, as well as those from Europe, the Americas, and Australia, to provide a truly global perspective.
Divided into three parts, the book first examines theories and research on cross-national differences in stalking among college students, ex-partner stalking in Finland, cyberstalking victimization in Singapore, the heterogeneity of stalking and stalkers in Australia, public familiarity and understanding of stalking/harassing legislation in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and more. The book’s second part focuses on national portraits of stalking in a number of understudied populations, including Lithuania, Spain, Denmark, Portugal, and South Africa. Finally in the third section of the book, the chapters largely emphasize policy and best practice, including the Dutch model of policing stalking, risk assessment and management of stalking in Sweden, psycho-legal responses to online interpersonal harm, the German approach to stopping stalking, the United Kingdom response to assessing and managing stalking, and the work of the Danish Stalking Centre. This important contribution to the field:
- Offers insights from international professionals applicable in other geographical contexts
- Discusses the factors that influence social awareness and responses to stalking
- Explores the importance of victim vulnerability factors when managing risk of stalking
- Presents real-world case studies of stalking behavior, intimate partner violence, stalking victimization, and statutory and law enforcement efforts
- Reviews the intervention practices of the support institutions and justice systems of different countries
Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: The International Perspective is an ideal primary or supplementary text for courses in criminology, criminal justice, forensic psychology, and social and behavioral science, as well as a valuable source of reference for those who deal with offenders or victims of stalking, including law enforcement agents, mental health professionals, legal practitioners, social services personnel, and policy makers.
Table of Content
Foreword xv
References xvii
Introduction: Stalking Behavior in a Global Context 1
Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan and Lorraine Sheridan
Introduction 1
The Approach Adopted in this Book 2
The Structure of the Book 3
Exploring the Global Phenomenon of Stalking Behavior from a Psycho‐Criminological Perspective 6
References 7
Part I: Theories and Research 9
1 Stalking and Cyberstalking Victimization Research: Taking Stock of Key Conceptual, Definitional, Prevalence, and Theoretical Issues 11
Erica R. Fissel, Bradford W. Reyns, and Bonnie S. Fisher
Introduction 11
Conceptual and Definitional Issues—Stalking 13
Conceptual and Definitional Issues—Cyberstalking 15
Prevalence of Stalking and Cyberstalking Victimization 16
Theoretical Approaches Applied to Stalking and Cyberstalking Victimization 22
Multi‐Theoretical Frameworks 30
Future Directions for Research 31
References 32
2 Racial Differences in Stalking Victimization, Police Reporting, and Coping Strategies among White, Black, and Asian Americans 37
Fawn T. Ngo
Introduction 37
Stalking Victimization 39
Racial Differences in Stalking Victimization 40
Racial Differences in Help‐Seeking Behaviors Among Stalking Victims 41
Data and Methods 42
Sample 42
Measures 44
Analytic Strategy 46
Results 46
Discussion and Conclusion 47
References 51
3 Ex‐Partner Stalking in Finland: Children as Knowing Agents in Parental Stalking 55
Merja Laitinen and Anna Nikupeteri
Introduction 55
Finland as a Research Context for Ex‐Partner Stalking 57
Method 58
Dimensions of Children’s Knowing Agency 60
Children’s Various Knowing Agency 71
Conclusion 73
Acknowledgments 74
References 74
4 Unwanted Attention: A Survey on Cyberstalking Victimization 77
Majeed Khader and Stephanie Chan
Introduction 77
Characteristics of Cyberspace 78
Defining Cyberstalking 79
Reviewing the Literature on Cyberstalking 79
Impact of Cyberstalking on Victims 80
Victims’ Actions and Coping Efforts 81
Recent Developments in the Cyberstalking Landscape in Singapore 81
Three Surveys of Cyberstalking in Emergent Adults in Singapore 82
Methodology 83
General Discussion on Three Singapore Surveys 100
Study Limitations 102
Conclusion 102
Acknowledgments 103
References 103
Examples of Cyberstalking 108
Survey Questionnaire 109
5 Is there a “Best” Stalking Typology?: Parsing the Heterogeneity of Stalking and Stalkers in an Australian Sample 115
Troy E. Mc Ewan and Michael R. Davis
Introduction 115
Offense and Offender Classification Schemes 116
A Brief History of Stalking Classification Schemes 117
Which Typology to Use? 122
Aim and Approach of the Current Study 123
Method 123
Results 125
Discussion 128
Support for each of the Commonly Used Stalking Typologies 129
Choosing which Typology to Use 132
Conclusion 133
Acknowledgment 133
References 134
6 Public Familiarity and Understanding of Stalking/Harassment Legislation in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States 137
Adrian J. Scott, Nikki Rajakaruna, Megan A. Handscomb, and Georgina A. H. Waterworth
Introduction 137
Method 141
Findings 144
Discussion 151
References 155
Part II: National Portraits 159
7 Stalking Perception, Victimization, and Anti‐Stalking Response in the Lithuanian Context 161
Ilona Laurinaitytė and Ilona Michailovič
Introduction 161
Issues of Stalking Definition 162
Prevalence of Stalking 164
Stalking and Gender‐Based Stereotypes 168
Stalking: Legal Protection and Prevention 170
Conclusions 171
References 172
8 Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention from Ecological and Public Health Perspectives: The Spanish Experience 175
Montse Subirana‐Malaret, Ana Martinez Catena, and Jacqueline Gahagan
An Introduction to Intimate Partner Violence 175
The Criminalization of Stalking in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Spain 177
The Evolution of Social Perceptions of IPV in Spain and its Legislation 179
Quantifying IPV in Spain: An Overview of Available Data 181
Inclusion of Stalking in Crimes against Freedom in the Spanish Penal Code 185
Latest Measures against IPV in Spain and the Repercussions Emerging from the Most Recent Social Movements 187
Violence Prevention in the Context of Ecological and Public Health Approaches 189
References 190
9 Stalking as a Phenomenon in a Danish Context 195
Lise Linn Larsen, Dianna Bomholt, and Helle Hundahl
Introduction 195
Danish Stalking Centre 197
Stalking as a Phenomenon 197
Stalking as Violence 199
Stalking as a Social Problem 204
References 207
10 Stalking in Portugal: From Numbers to the New Challenges 209
Celia Ferreira and Marlene Matos
Introduction 209
The Experience of Fear 210
The Situation in Portugal 211
Criminal Statistics 218
Difficulties and Post‐Criminalization Challenges 221
References 223
11 Stalking in South Africa 227
Gerard Labuschagne and Bronwynn Stollarz
Introduction 227
Stalking in a Multicultural Society 228
Legal Aspects in South Africa 230
Case Example: State vs. Walabh 236
Case Example: Intimate Partner Stalker 238
Case Example: Workplace Stalking in the Mental Health Care Environment 240
Conclusion 241
References 241
Part III: Policy and Best Practice 245
12 The Dutch Model: A New Approach to Policing Stalking 247
Cleo Brandt and Bianca Voerman
The Challenges of Defining Stalking from a Dutch Perspective 247
The Potential Consequences of “Missing” Stalking 249
Key Problems Leading to Inadequate Response by Dutch Police 252
Developing a More Effective Response to Stalking 259
A Structured Police Approach to Stalking 259
Conclusion 265
References 266
13 Risk Assessment and Management of Stalking in Sweden: The Importance of Fear as a Victim Vulnerability Factor 269
Susanne Strand
Introduction 269
Prevalence of Stalking Victimization 271
Fear as a Victim Vulnerability Factor 272
Stalking Victimization 274
Policing Stalking 276
Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Stalking 278
Collaboration for Better Protection of Victims 281
Conclusion 282
References 283
14 Hashtag You’re It: Limitations of Psycho‐Legal Responses to Online Interpersonal Harm 287
Luke Bartlett and Annabel Chan
Lawful Good: A Proposed Framework for Sentencing Online Harmful Behaviors 287
Old DOS, New Tricks 290
Zeroes Versus One: How People Behave Badly Online 290
Mass Effect: When People Behave Badly Together Online 291
Invisible and Indivisible: Why People Behave Badly Online 293
If a Tree Falls in Cyberspace: Accountability for Online Harm 294
Murder, She Posted: Legality of Online Threats 296
Fuzzy Logic: Analysis of Psychological Assumptions Made in Cyberthreat Law 297
Capacity to Assess for Intent, and Estimation of Probable Fear 298
Online Threats, Offline Harm 301
To Kill a Mocking Tweet 304
References 305
15 Stop Stalking—But How? 309
Olga Siepelmeyer and Wolf Ortiz‐Muller
Introduction 309
Offer and Access 310
The Rationale of Counseling—Integration of Methods 312
Validate to Change—The Dialectic between Process and Confrontation 315
Tell Me Why—Formulation as the Case Conceptualization 317
Give Me a Point—Strengthening the Healthy Adult 320
Stop It! Limiting the Problem Behavior 321
To Change or Not to Change? Motivational Issues 322
What Comes when Stalking Goes? Working with Pathological Grief 326
Does it Really Work? Results of a Retrospective Survey 327
Conclusions 329
References 329
16 National Stalking Clinic: A UK Response to Assessing and Managing Stalking Behavior 335
Sara Henley, Alan Underwood, and Frank Farnham
Introduction 335
Legal Changes 336
Theoretical Approach 337
Setting up the Clinic 338
Descriptive Analysis of the First 60 Cases 341
Case Examples 343
Summary and Conclusions 349
References 350
17 The Danish Stalking Centre, 2019 351
Lise Linn Larsen, Dianna Bomholt, and Helle Hundahl
Introduction 351
Target Group for the Intervention Center 352
The Conceptual Framework of the Intervention and its Perspective 352
Helpline 354
Referral for Professional Multidisciplinary Interventions 356
Professional Multidisciplinary Services 359
Psychotherapy at the Danish Stalking Centre 360
Psychotherapy for Stalking Victims 361
Intervention for Children and Families of Stalking Victims 365
Psychotherapy for Stalkers 366
Knowledge of the Target Group and Effect 370
Knowledge Center 372
Cooperation Across Authorities and Sectors 374
Future Goals for Danish Stalking Centre 379
References 379
Conclusions 381
Lorraine Sheridan and Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan
Concluding Remarks 381
Author Index 387
Subject Index 393
About the author
Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Ph D is Associate Professor of Criminology at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR. His research focuses on stalking behavior, sexual homicide, offender profiling, sexual offending, homicide, and Asian criminology. He is the author of several books and more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.
Lorraine Sheridan, Ph D is a Chartered Forensic Psychologist and Associate Professor at Curtin University, Australia. The author of four books and numerous papers, she trains professionals involved in investigating stalking crimes and provides case management advice to police, security personnel, public figures, and others on stalking, harassment, violence, and risk and threat assessment.