Ishmael, a restless sailor, embarks on a whaling voyage aboard the Pequod under the command of Captain Ahab, a man consumed by a vengeful pursuit of the legendary white whale, Moby Dick. As the crew sails deeper into the vast and unforgiving ocean, they encounter danger, camaraderie, and the inescapable pull of destiny. Ahab’s obsession drives them all toward an epic confrontation that will test the limits of human endurance and fate.
Blending adventure, philosophy, and poetic prose, Moby-Dick is a powerful exploration of ambition, revenge, and the mysteries of existence. A cornerstone of American literature, Herman Melville’s novel continues to captivate readers with its depth and intensity.
Table of Content
Table of Contents:
CHAPTER 1. Loomings
CHAPTER 2. The Carpet-Bag
CHAPTER 3. The Spouter-Inn
CHAPTER 4. The Counterpane
CHAPTER 5. Breakfast
CHAPTER 6. The Street
CHAPTER 7. The Chapel
CHAPTER 8. The Pulpit
CHAPTER 9. The Sermon
CHAPTER 10. A Bosom Friend
(And so on through Chapter 135 and the Epilogue)
About the author
Autri Books is a distinguished publishing house dedicated to translating and preserving classic works of literature and philosophy. With a mission to make timeless texts accessible to modern readers, Autri Books specializes in high-quality translations that emphasize clarity, cultural relevance, and exceptional design. Beyond their focus on literary excellence, Autri Books has established a strong presence in the digital marketplace, with their titles available on major platforms like Amazon. The company’s growing catalog showcases carefully curated editions of essential works that resonate with readers worldwide. For more information on their latest releases and collections, visit their official website at, where they continue to inspire a global audience with enduring stories and thought-provoking ideas.