On 30 January 1933, Alfred Hugenberg’s conservative German National People’s Party (DNVP) formed a coalition government with the Nazi Party, thus enabling Hitler to accede to the chancellorship. This book analyzes in detail the complicated relationship between Conservatives and Nazis and offers a re-interpretation of the Nazi seizure of power – the decisive months between 30 January and 14 July 1933. The Machtergreifung is characterized here as a period of all-pervasive violence...
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Pragmatists versus Fundamentalists: The DNVP in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
Chapter 2. Uneasy Partners: The Relation...
About the author
Hermann Beck is Professor of History at the University of Miami, where he teaches German and Modern European History. He has been a member of the Institute for A...