Provides students, executives, and managers with vital resources to lead their organizations to higher levels of performance.
Using examples from companies such as General Electric, IBM, Kodak, and ABB, Leading the Learning Organization integrates the latest advances in strategic change, managerial leadership, continuous improvement, and learning and development. Belasen provides insightful and provocative views of how high-performance leaders use organizational learning to achieve breakthrough performance. He strongly argues that managers who avoid questioning their operating premises today will find themselves without market share tomorrow. Leading the Learning Organization is an insightful examination of a variety of modern corporate issues, including adjusting to the marketplace; linking the value chain; living with corporate downsizing; leading self-managed teams; communicating, learning, and developing competencies; managing the value-based organization; and initiating transformational learning.
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Introduction: Leading the Learning Organization
Style and Approach Intellectual Niche and Philosophical Predicament Theoretical Basis: Competing Values Framework Plan of the Book
Chapter 1. Integrating Management Paradigms: The Competing Values Framework
The Rationalistic and Humanistic Approaches to Management Polar Relationships TQM Philosophy Competing Values Framework (CVF) The Significance of the Competing Values Framework Using the CVF to Communicate Leadership Roles and Responsibilities Avoiding the Trap of Excess: The Key to Effective Interpersonal Communication Communication Audits using the Competing Values Framework Assessments at the Personal Level: Self-Understanding Assessments at the Vertical Level: Communication Audits in Banking, Telecommunications, Power Lab, and Dining Services Banking Telecommunications Power Lab Dining Services Summary: Managerial Roles and Contextual Factors Assessments at the Lateral Level Using the Competing Values Framework to Audit and Clarify Message Orientations Conclusions: Improving Organizational Communication
Chapter 2. Adjusting to the Environment: Adaptive Responses and Organizational Change
Change before the Environment Changes How the Mighty Have Fallen! Environmental Uncertainty and the Congruence Principle Strategic Responses to Environmental Uncertainty Open Systems and Boundary Spanning Environmental Scanning Reorganizing Adaptive Responses of Quasi-Governmental and Utility Organizations Trust Them! A Bottom-Up Approach to Change Adaptation: Leadership Challenges
Chapter 3. Linking the Organization: Information Technology and Networking
Telecommuting, Telecenters, and Organizational Productivity The Human Dimension Building External Networks New Challenges for the Broker Linking the Organization Effectively
Chapter 4. Managing the Value-Based Organization:
Horizontal Structures and Cross-Functional Teams Empowerment and Involvement Dimensions of Effective Employee Involvement Team Leaders: The Key to Quality Organizational Leadership and Empowerment Moving toward Horizontal Management Leadership in Horizontal Structures Decentralized, Team-Based Organizations Teams and Teamwork: Shift of Emphasis Cross-Functional Team Design Self-Managed Teams Quality Circles Multifunctional Teams Effective Team Development High-Speed Communications Moving toward Team-Based Organizations: Principles and Applications Sources of Motivation in Horizontal Organizations Principles of Effective Coaching Value-Based Organizations and Leadership Roles
Chapter 5. Organizing around Processes and Outcomes:
Quality Programs and Reengineering Strategic Level Mission Statement Operative Level Operational Level Cross-Functional Teams and Market-Based Forms of Organizing Broadbanding: Organizing around Core Competencies Management Responsibility: Taking Care of Processes Business Process Reengineering Principles of Reengineering Reengineering, Paradigmatic Constraints, and the Role of Leadership Quality Improvement and Process Reengineering Return on Quality Total Quality Management: Some Potential Limitations The GAO Report on the Impact of TQM on Performance TQM, Baldridge Criteria, and ISO 9000 Quality Improvement: One Size Does Not Fit All Conclusions
Chapter 6. Living with Corporate Downsizing: The Hypereffective Manager
The Downside of Downsizing Training and Technical Support Survivor Syndrome Loss of Organizational Energy: Corporate Anorexia Loss of Organizational Memory: Corporate Amnesia Changing Strategies Rather Than Cutting Personnel Preemptive Strategy Middle Managers: The ‘In-Group’ Middle Management Traditional Roles Middle Management Transitional Roles Adopting Transformational Roles Becoming Hypereffective New Challenges for HR Professionals The Role of Senior Managers Conclusion: Working Smarter by Developing New Competencies
Chapter 7. Leading Self-Managed Teams: Roles and Communication
The Organizational Context for Self-Managed Teams The Nature of Self-Managed Teams SMTs as High-Performance Teams Performance Measures Not Leaderless Teams Misfit of Current Leadership Theories Leadership in SMTs as an Emergent Network Need for an Altered Approach Competing Values Framework of Leadership Effectiveness Manifestation of Quinn’s Leadership Roles in the Behaviors of Members in SMTs Playing the Roles Effectively in SMTs Leadership Roles and Communication Media in SMTs Enactment of the Leadership Roles SMTs Operating in a Distribution Center Analysis and Results Self-Managed Teams in Action Implications for Management and Team Leadership Conclusions: The Significance of Self-Management
Chapter 8. Enhancing Organizational Learning: Communication Strategies and Methods
Incremental Versus Breakthrough Learning Acquiring, Accessing, and Revising Knowledge Enhancing Organizational Learning: Communication, Strategies, and Developmental Approaches Facilitating Learning: Internal Networks and Communication Processes Horizontal Structures, Learning, and Communication Processes Improving Learning: Linking Programs Benchmarking Problem-Solving Communication The Flow Chart Fishbone Diagram, Pareto Analysis, Histogram, Interrelationship Digraph The Storyboard Deming’s Fourteen Principles and the Learning Cycle Radar Feedback to Enhance Learning Learning to Deal with Paradoxes The Competing Values Framework as a Training Intervention Measuring Learning Pursuing Meta-Learning: GE’s Success Story Work-Out Communicate Objective Performance Standards The Boundaryless Organization and Leadership Roles Communicating the Vision Best Practices Accelerating Learning: Kaizen Promoting Learning through Culture, Values, and Ideology GE Value Statement: Business Characteristics GE Value Statement: Individual Characteristics Learning from GE Conclusion: Facilitating Learning and Change
Chapter 9. Learning to Learn: Competency Education for Management Development
Models of Cooperation Relevance and Accountability A Customer-Focused Approach to Management Learning and Education: A Competency-Based MBA Adult Learning and Management Education Particular Frame of Reference Psychological Differences/Needs Aptitude and Perceptions Cognitive Factors The Significance of Writing Skills Enabling Mechanisms and Strategies Management Education and Distance Learning: FORUM Validation of Prior Learning Outcome Assessment Competency-Based Management Education Individually Focused Value-Added Outcome Oriented Competing Values Framework as a Competency Model Competency-Based Management Program: Model Building The Structure of FORUM’s Competency-Based Program Preassessment 8×3 Competencies by Role Postassessment Summary: Learning and Competence in Management Education Conclusions: Developing Managerial Competencies and the Mentor Role
Chapter 10. High-Performance Leadership: Initiating Transformational Learning
Exemplary Leadership Learning and Benchmarking A Matrix Structure that Works! Building Corporate Loyalty: Merging Cultures Global Managers: Mindsets and Competencies High-Speed Management Competencies and Capabilities Developing Future Leaders The Significance of Diagonal Communication Managerial Leadership: Values and Skills The Power of Inner Capabilities Transforming Abilities and C
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Alan T. Belasen is Professor of Management and Organizational Communication at Empire State College–State University of New York.