Bullish Thinking is packed with hard-hitting true stories of financial professionals who have faced the many job stressors that fill this competitive industry. In it, you’ll learn how to identify particular problems and initiate the process of getting help, all while reading in-depth case studies and extensive examples that exemplify the obstacles you may face. Throughout the book, the authors take the time to introduce you to action-oriented approaches that will help you survive and thrive during even the toughest times.
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
About the Authors xv
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Hard Issues on Your Desk 5
Chapter 2 Emotional Issues 11
Chapter 3 Bullish Thinking 27
Chapter 4 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall 49
Chapter 5 Plight of the Wholesaler 61
Chapter 6 Do You Know Your Mindset? 71
Chapter 7 The 10 Investor Styles 81
Chapter 8 Getting What You Want and Need from Others 99
Chapter 9 Family Therapy for Advisors 115
Chapter 10 Gender Challenges on the Street 131
Chapter 11 You Are Not Alone 141
Appendix A Dr. Alden Cass’s Landmark
Research Study 151
Appendix B Bad Medicine for Wall Street 167
Recommended Readings and Resources 179
Index 181
लेखक के बारे में
Dr. Alden Cass, Ph D, is a licensed clinical psychologist and performance coach for competitive executives, athletes, and musicians. He is President and Chief Consultant of Catalyst Strategies Group, a team of psychologists specializing in coaching financial services executives and individuals performing under stressful job conditions. Dr. Cass conducted the nation’s first clinical investigation in twenty-five years on the mental health of stockbrokers. He also writes a Web column for Trader Monthly magazine and The Street.com, and is a bimonthly columnist for On Wall Street magazine.
Dr. Brian F. Shaw, Ph D, is a professor of psychiatry and public health science, a clinical psychologist, and one of the originators of applied cognitive-behavioral therapy. He is the coauthor of Addiction and Recovery For Dummies (Wiley) and Cognitive Therapy of Depression, and the principal of BFS Consulting, a sports and entertainment consulting firm based in Toronto, Canada.
Sydney Le Blanc is a thirty-year financial services industry veteran, journalist, publisher, and author, as well as a codirector of The Fisher Le Blanc Group.